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Dr. The book launch will happen on September 4th, at 3 p.m. (Pacific Time) in Book Passage Ferry Building Store in San Francisco, California!
Please come to have an in-person chat with Dr. Katcher.

Dr. Harold Katcher is one of the discoverers of the human breast cancer gene (BRCA1), and has thousands of citations in the scientific literature, with publications ranging from protein structure to bacteriology, biotechnology, bioinformatics and biochemistry. He was the Academic Director for Natural Sciences for the Asian Division of the University of Maryland Global Campus, and nowadays is Chief Scientific Officer at Yuvan Research Inc., which is working on the development of rejuvenation treatments.

#haroldkatcher #sanfrancisco #california #booklaunch #biotechnology #rejuvenation #aging.

Created with the voices from LOVO @

The late 21st century belongs to Superhumans. Technological progress in the field of medicine through gene editing tools like CRISPR is going to revolutionize what it means to be human. The age of Superhumans is portrayed in many science fiction movies, but for the first time in our species history, radically altering our genome is going to be possible through the methods and tools of science.

The gene-editing tool CRISPR, short for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, could help us to reprogram life. It gives scientists more power and precision than they have ever had to alter human DNA.

Genetic engineering holds great promise for the future of humanity. A growing number of scientists including David Sinclair believe that we will soon be able to engineer and change our genes in a way that will help us live longer and healthier lives.

But how much should we really tinker with our own nature? What is the moral responsibility of scientists and humans towards future generations?

With technological advances in molecular biology like CRISPR that allow for specific gene editing approaches, many scientists argue that there are strong potential benefits as well as risks to human genetic engineering.
David Sinclair is a geneticist at Harvard Medical School. He believes it’s possible to unlock the fountain of youth.

The potential uses of such gene editing techniques could range from the treatment of disease to the enhancement of beauty and intelligence.

New discoveries in gene editing technologies are popping up everywhere in the world and experts predict that we will see many more in coming years. Many scientists believe that genetic engineering is the future of our evolution. It provides us with a chance to give ourselves any traits we want, such as muscle mass or eye color. Basically, anything is possible.

Brent Nally interviews Dr Katcher about E5 plasma filtering. “What’s the purpose of anything if you’re gonna die?” E5 human trials perhaps by the end of 2022. All treated rats so far are still alive. “The question is how many times can we do this?” So far with rats it’s 3 times. He has not given out the specific E5 formula. Right now there is another party attempting to repeat his rat experiments.

Harold earned his PhD in Biology, is Chief Science Officer of Yuvan Research and is one of the discoverers of the breast cancer gene (BRCA1). Harold describes in his book, The Illusion of Knowledge, his personal story and journey developing E5 which may be extremely promising for the field of rejuvenation/biological age reversal. Read this May2020paper.

Sign up for free: Discord Brent Nally#0616 TikTok @brentnally Telegram Snapchat BrentNally.

- My mission is to solve the human aging problem ASAP.

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Thumbnail by: Ilya Osipov.


In order to find a way to trick the body into making new B cells, the researchers probed one of the ways that the body naturally replenishes its supply. Patients undergoing treatment for multiple sclerosis had their MBC stock depleted, at which point their body rapidly started to produce new B cells.

The team identified the specific hormones that shut B cell production down again once stores were replenished, and realized that deactivating the hormone results in the body producing extra B cells left and right. And going forward, they hope to turn that hormonal trick into a new rejuvenating treatment for the elderly and immunocompromised.

“We found specific hormonal signals produced by the old B cells, the memory cells, that inhibit the bone marrow from producing new B cells,” Melamed told The Jerusalem Post. “This is a huge discovery. It is like finding a needle in a haystack.”

The Human Cell Atlas is the world’s largest, growing single-cell reference atlas. It contains references of millions of cells across tissues, organs and developmental stages. These references help physicians to understand the influences of aging, environment and disease on a cell—and ultimately diagnose and treat patients better. Yet, reference atlases do not come without challenges. Single-cell datasets may contain measurement errors (batch effect), the global availability of computational resources is limited and the sharing of raw data is often legally restricted.

Researchers from Helmholtz Zentrum München and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) developed a novel called “scArches,” short for single-cell architecture surgery. The biggest advantage: “Instead of sharing raw data between clinics or research centers, the algorithm uses transfer learning to compare new from single-cell genomics with existing references and thus preserves privacy and anonymity. This also makes annotating and interpreting of new data sets very easy and democratizes the usage of single-cell reference atlases dramatically,” says Mohammad Lotfollahi, the leading scientist of the algorithm.

This is a truly enlightening 5 min. excerpt by Liz Parrish on gene therapy and its suitability to achieve radical life extension. Among other important aspects, Liz tells us about how regulatory constrains are delaying progress in this important vehicle to treat incurable diseases and aging itself. I added subtitles in Spanish. Don’t miss it!!! In the description of the video is the link to the entire interview.

Este es un extracto muy esclarecedor por parte de Liz Parrish sobre la terapia génica y su idoneidad para lograr una prolongación radical de la vida. Entre otros aspectos importantes, Liz nos cuenta cómo las restricciones regulatorias están retrasando el progreso de este importante vehículo, para tratar enfermedades incurables y el envejecimiento en sí mismo. Le he agregado subtítulos en español. No te lo pierdas!!! En la descripción del video está el enlace a toda la entrevista.

The interview took place in August 12 2021.

To watch it entirely, which I recommend, please click here:

In 2,001 Celera Genomics and the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium published their initial drafts of the human genome, which revolutionized the field of genomics. While these drafts and the updates that followed effectively covered the euchromatic fraction of the genome, the heterochromatin and many other complex regions were left unfinished or erroneous. Addressing this remaining 8% of the genome, the Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) Consortium has finished the first truly complete 3.055 billion base pair (bp) sequence of a human genome, representing the largest improvement to the human reference genome since its initial release. The new T2T-CHM13 reference includes gapless assemblies for all 22 autosomes plus Chromosome X, corrects numerous errors, and introduces nearly 200 million bp of novel sequence containing 2,226 paralogous gene copies, 115 of which are predicted to be protein coding. The newly completed regions include all centromeric satellite arrays and the short arms of all five acrocentric chromosomes, unlocking these complex regions of the genome to variational and functional studies for the first time.

The latest major update to the human reference genome was released by the Genome Reference Consortium (GRC) in2013and most recently patched in2019(GRCh38.p13). This assembly traces its origin to the publicly funded Human Genome Project and has been continually improved over the past two decades. Unlike the competing Celera assembly , and most modern genome projects that are also based on shotgun sequence assembly , the GRC human reference assembly is primarily based on Sanger sequencing data derived from bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones that were ordered and oriented along the genome via radiation hybrid, genetic linkage, and fingerprint maps. This laborious approach resulted in what remains one of the most continuous and accurate reference genomes today. However, reliance on these technologies limited the assembly to only the euchromatic regions of the genome that could be reliably cloned into BACs, mapped, and assembled.

Favorite part at 19:06, Bioinformatics with Rutgers University attacking the hallmarks of aging.

#genetherapy, #immortality, #bioinformatics.

Awesome Health Podcast Episode 155

According to this episode’s guest: Liz Parrish, people should be demanding access to the latest gene therapy treatments.

According to Liz, effective gene therapy that treats and heals a plethora of diseases could be in place today if not for the human race’s mistakes in prioritizing our funds. Trillions of dollars have been invested in war machines, for example, when we could have used that money to advance humanity into a healthier, more productive, and enjoyable way of life.

As you can see, Liz thinks big — but she’s not only a dreamer — Liz is a doer.
As the Founder and CEO of BioViva, Liz devotes her life to pursuing scientific advancements that extend healthy lifespans in humans using cell technologies.

Liz will tell you that aging is a disease caused by cell damage over time. Her company uses BioInformatics to gain knowledge through collecting, storing, and analyzing data from clinical studies. Liz advocates for overhauling the U.S. medical system so that drugs proven successful in animal trials can be offered more rapidly to human patients. Our aging population needs urgent healthcare.

As a passionate science evangelist, Liz is a popular speaking guest. She serves as a motivational speaker in the life sciences field and is a strong proponent of advancing regenerative medicine modalities. She enjoys educating laypeople about the promising field of gene therapy and is actively involved in international educational media outreach.

It’s his personal mission to make it to 200.

Sergey Young has made it his personal mission to live to 200. Seriously: The longevity expert, founder of the Longevity Vision Fund, and author of The Science and Technology of Growing Young, has dedicated his entire career to helping at least 1 billion people live long, healthy lives—and make these technological advances affordable and accessible for all.

Through his work, he has identified what he calls lifestyle “longevity buckets” to increase your lifespan and healthspan (because who wants to live to 200 with a low quality of life?). “By implementing them, we can add 10 20 healthy and happy years to our life,” he says on this episode of the mindbodygreen podcast. “We can easily live 200 years.”