A combination of soon-to-be released Biotechnology is expected to extend of lifespans almost tenfold with the help through emerging technologies such as CRISPR or Senolytics. These Anti Aging treatments are meant to stop and even reverse the aging process so that anyone could get young and healthy again. Many companies such as SENS or Jeff Bezos, but even countries like Japan are working on it to deal with an aging population. – TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 A new Beginning for Longevity. 00:44 Direct Gene Editing. 02:32 Anti Aging Vaccines. 04:44 Longevity Gene Therapy. 07:39 How does Aging work? 09:49 Last Words. – #longevity #biotech #futurology
Despite the fact that floating around in space looks like a certified blast, it’s not something the human body is optimized for. In order to make these trips possible, scientists are going to have to figure out how to mimic Earth’s gravity in space. » Subscribe to Seeker! http://bit.ly/subscribeseeker. » Watch more Elements! http://bit.ly/ElementsPlaylist. » Visit our shop at http://shop.seeker.com. » Sign Up for Seeker’s Newsletter! https://www.seeker.com/newsletters.
We evolved with gravity constantly pulling on us at a rate of about 9.8 m/s2, or 1 g. Our bodies are built in a way that takes that into account. Our rigid bones can hold us up, our cardiovascular system can pump blood to and from our extremities, our vestibular system in our ears keeps us balanced, and so on. Our bodies are also good at adapting to our needs, which means when you take gravity away the body starts to change. Bones lose mineral density, hearts weaken, and the vestibular system shuts off because suddenly there is no “up” anymore. So long as the body stays in space these changes aren’t really a problem, but coming back to Earth and readapting to 1 g can be painful and disorienting.
To make the transition to Earth easier, astronauts on the ISS have to spend two and a half hours every day doing aerobic and resistive exercise. It takes a lot of valuable time and still doesn’t prevent all bodily changes, so maybe some sort of artificial gravity could be a better solution. The only practical way to recreate the effects of gravity would be by using centrifugal force, aka spinning. If you’ve ever clung for dear life to one of those whirligigs on a playground you know what I’m talking about. If astronauts could somehow be spun around that might mimic gravity enough to keep their bodies from changing too drastically. There have actually been several proposals on how to leverage centrifugal force, and each of them has its downsides.
One of them is a staple of sci-fi: a spacecraft with a gigantic rotating section. Inside the astronauts would be pushed towards the outermost wall and that would become the “floor”, so to speak, while the rest of the station would remain stationary and in microgravity. But a spacecraft like this would be really complex and expensive to build. Another design is a long spacecraft that twirls like a baton, creating Earth-like acceleration at either end. If the craft were about a kilometer long it would only need to rotate once or twice a minute, but a kilometer-long spacecraft would be about 10 times longer than the ISS and an incredible engineering feat.
#seeker #science #gravity #nasa #space.
Why does China want to build a kilometre-long spacecraft? And is it even possible? https://www.sciencefocus.com/news/why-does-china-want-to-build-a-kilometre-long-spacecraft-and-is-it-even-possible/ “Thinking about the future, Harvey points to a Chinese report published in 2009 called Roadmap 2050, which is the blueprint for how China plans to become the world’s leading space-faring nation by the middle of the century. “The horizon to Chinese spaceflight is not years or decades but half-centuries,” he says.”
Gene editing approaches promise to treat a range of diseases, but delivering editing agents to cells in animal models and humans safely and efficiently has proven challenging. Now, researchers led by a team at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard have developed a way to get gene editing proteins inside cells in animal models with high enough efficiency to show therapeutic benefit.
In new work published in Cell, the team shows how they have engineered virus-like particles to deliver base editors — proteins that make programmable single-letter changes in DNA — and CRISPR-Cas9 nuclease, a protein that cuts DNA at targeted sites in the genome. In collaboration with research teams led by Krzysztof Palczewski at the University of California, Irvine, and Kiran Musunuru at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, the team used their particles, called engineered virus-like particles (eVLPs), to disable a gene in mice that can be associated with high cholesterol levels, and partially restored visual function to mice harboring a mutation that causes genetic blindness.
Researchers have developed virus-like particles that deliver therapeutic levels of protein to animal models of disease.
A man with terminal heart disease is responding well three days after being given a genetically modified pig heart in a first-of-its-kind surgery, his doctors reported on Monday. The surgery, performed by a team at the University of Maryland Medicine in the United States, is among the first to demonstrate the feasibility of a pig-to-human heart transplant, a field made possible by new gene editing tools. If proven successful, scientists hope pig organs could help alleviate shortages of donor organs. For David Bennett, a 57-year-old from Maryland, the heart transplant was his last option.
Al Jazeera’s Barbara Angopa reports.
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Bio-Printing Complex Human Tissues & Organs — Dr. Anthony Atala, MD — Director, Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Wake Forest University.
Dr. Anthony Atala, MD, (https://school.wakehealth.edu/Faculty/A/Anthony-Atala) is the G. Link Professor and Director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, and the W. Boyce Professor and Chair of Urology.
A practicing surgeon and a researcher in the area of regenerative medicine, fifteen applications of technologies developed Dr. Atala’s laboratory have been used clinically. He is Editor of 25 books and 3 journals, has published over 800 journal articles, and has received over 250 national and international patents. Dr. Atala was elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Sciences, to the National Academy of Inventors as a Charter Fellow, and to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.
Dr. Atala is a recipient of the US Congress funded Christopher Columbus Foundation Award, bestowed on a living American who is currently working on a discovery that will significantly affect society; the World Technology Award in Health and Medicine, for achieving significant and lasting progress; the Edison Science/Medical Award for innovation, the R&D Innovator of the Year Award, and the Smithsonian Ingenuity Award for Bioprinting Tissue and Organs. Dr. Atala’s work was listed twice as Time Magazine’s Top 10 medical breakthroughs of the year, and once as one of 5 discoveries that will change the future of organ transplants. He was named by Scientific American as one of the world’s most influential people in biotechnology, by U.S. News & World Report as one of 14 Pioneers of Medical Progress in the 21st Century, by Life Sciences Intellectual Property Review as one of the top key influencers in the life sciences intellectual property arena, and by Nature Biotechnology as one of the top 10 translational researchers in the world.
Dr. Atala has led or served several national professional and government committees, including the National Institutes of Health working group on Cells and Developmental Biology, the National Institutes of Health Bioengineering Consortium, and the National Cancer Institute’s Advisory Board. He is a founding member of the Tissue Engineering Society, Regenerative Medicine Foundation, Regenerative Medicine Manufacturing Innovation Consortium, Regenerative Medicine Development Organization, and Regenerative Medicine Manufacturing Society.
The first humans emerged on Earth about 4 million years ago, but new evidence from the study of human evolution has revealed compelling evidence that a small group of these hominins was genetically modified by ancient alien visitors to create the first Homo sapiens.
Researcher and author Daniella Fenton has thoroughly analyzed humanity’s earliest origins and its sudden acceleration in brain development nearly 800,000 years ago, and this research has led to a major revelation.
“Homo sapiens is the creation of ancient astronauts who came through a wormhole in the Pleiades star cluster more than 780,000 years ago.”
The Australian researcher, an expert in equine lineages and gene expression, discovered numerous genetic changes that mark humans as abnormal when compared to modern primate species, some so extreme that they are best explained by advanced genetic engineering.
“The potential to deliver ‘one shot cures’ is one of the most attractive aspects of gene therapy, genetically-engineered cell therapy and gene editing. However, such treatments offer a very different outlook with regard to recurring revenue versus chronic therapies,” analyst Salveen Richter wrote in the note to clients Tuesday. “While this proposition carries tremendous value for patients and society, it could represent a challenge for genome medicine developers looking for sustained cash flow.”
Goldman Sachs warns sales from the most successful disease treatments are difficult to maintain.
When we think about gene editing, the first thing we remember is the designer babies, and that it’s usually called unethical. But actually, gene editing (CRISPR) may be one of the most promising upcoming medical technologies. Learn why in this video.
Check out other videos from this series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnWSi4zEceYXPCBYXZ9ZEV-9q44ebksoo.
0:00 — Opening scene. 0:20 — Gene editing is promising. Here’s why. 2:35 — Also, it can transform the beauty industry. 3:49 — How does gene editing work? 4:16 — My thoughts on that. 5:16 — End credits.