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After four months of hand-wringing and a deep investigation into how a patient was diagnosed with cancer after getting uniQure’s hemophilia gene therapy, the FDA is allowing the trial to continue.

In December, the FDA put uniQure’s hemophilia B gene therapy on clinical hold in response to a case of hepatocellular carcinoma (a form of liver cancer) in a patient in the pivotal trial of etranacogene dezaparvovec.

UniQure and partner CSL Behring had already completed dosing in the affected studies, but the safety concern threatened the chances of the therapy in an indication targeted by Pfizer and Spark Therapeutics’ fidanacogene elaparvovec.

Why not add a light switch instead?

This month, a team from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) reimagined CRISPR to do just that. Rather than directly acting on genes—irrevocably dicing away or swapping genetic letters— the new CRISPR variant targets the biological machinery that naturally turns genes on or off.

Translation? CRISPR can now “flip a light switch” to control genes—without ever touching them directly. It gets better. The new tool, CRISPRoff, can cause a gene to stay silent for hundreds of generations, even when its host cells morph from stem cells into more mature cells, such as neurons. Once the “sleeping beauty” genes are ready to wake up, a complementary tool, CRISPRon, flips the light switch back on.

All brains shrink with age, and the dominant view has been that more education slows the rate of shrinking. However, the evidence has been inconclusive because studies have not been able to track the rate of change over time. Until now.

Measured brain shrinkage over time

A team of researchers measured by measuring the volume of the cortical mantle and hippocampus regions of the brain, in MRI scans from more than 2000 participants in the Lifebrain and UK biobanks. These areas of the brain are prone to shrinkage over time, as a natural part of aging. Participants’ brains were scanned up to three times over an 11 year period, in what is known as a ‘longitudinal’ study.

CEO of Turn. Bio at 3:40 talking about getting product to market in a few years rather than a decade.

#ERA #sebastiano #turnbio #krammer #stanford #healthspan #aging #longevity.
Ms. Anja Krammer, CEO of Turn Biotechnologies talks about the initial targets for ERA, the time line for clinical trials and FDA approval.
Turn Bio was co-founded by Dr. Vittorio Sebastiano to develop and market the Epigenetic Reprogramming of Aging technology that came out of his lab in Stanford University.
Ms. Krammer is a veteran of F500 healthcare and technology companies and co-founder of three Silicon Valley start ups. She is an entrepreneur who has built biotech, pharmaceutical and consumer businesses by assembling high-performance, results-driven teams and a counsellor to multiple enterprises, who has served on boards of public and private companies, industry organizations and foundation.

Turn Biotechnologies, Inc.

Paper on ERA Technology.
More papers by Dr. Sebastiano.

“While epidural stimulators have shown some degree of success with limb paralysis in research elsewhere, this is the first such study at the VA, explained Dr. Ashraf Gorgey, chief of spinal cord injury research at the Richmond hospital. Gorgey said the study has several goals: to see how well an epidural stimulator made by Medtronic for pain management can work on spinal cord injuries and to demonstrate the promise of the technology, which can be implanted with minimum surgery. “With this study, we might get companies like Medtronic and Boston Scientific to start creating something more specific for spinal cord injuries,” he said. “We also want to show that you don’t need invasive surgery to use this device. We use just a needle under fluoroscopy, and through the needle, we thread the leads in. On the same day Josh had his surgery, he was down in this room working out on the mat.””

That immediate change following the implant bolstered confidence in his decision to enroll in the research, he added.

When he is not at the VA — he spends 90 minutes there three times a week — Burch works with his brother, Travis, also a former Marine, renovating and flipping houses in Portsmouth, and he plays on two wheelchair rugby teams. He credits the sport, once known as murderball, and his teammates on the Oscar Mike Militia, an all-veterans team, for his recovery to date.

“The first tournament I ever went to, I had my mom with me because I couldn’t really do anything. And my teammates were like, ‘You gonna bring your mommy to every tournament?’ I was like, ‘OK, I need to learn to be independent,’” Burch said.

Two important sars-cov-2/covid-19 links.


An experimental COVID-19 vaccine could potentially provide universal protection against future COVID variants as well as other coronaviruses—maybe even the ones responsible for the common cold. And it’s dirt cheap—less than $1 a dose, researchers say.

The targets a part of the COVID virus’ spike protein that appears to be highly resistant to mutation and is common across nearly all coronaviruses, said senior researcher Dr. Steven Zeichner. He is a professor of pediatric infectious disease with the University of Virginia, in Charlottesville.

In animal studies, the COVID vaccine protected pigs against two separate diseases caused by two types of coronavirus, COVID-19 and porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV), according to results published online recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The study also linked COVID-19 to a 60% to 97% increased rate of preterm birth, and— in infected women with a fever and shortness of breath—to a fivefold increase in neonatal complications such as immature lungs, brain damage, and eye disorders. About 13% of babies tested positive for the virus, and cesarean delivery was linked to a higher risk of transmission. Breastfeeding didn’t appear to transmit the virus—a small bit of good news.

New study bolsters the case for vaccinating pregnant women.

Mice fed every other day in another study lived, on average, 12% longer than mice fed every day, largely due to the delay of cancerous diseases.

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According to the International Food Information Council’s 2020 Food and Health Survey, you most likely know someone who is practicing intermittent fasting. The survey of 1000 adult Americans found that one in ten were putting down the fork during specified periods of time, making it America’s most popular “diet.”

It’s no surprise that the diet has charmed so many Americans. Intermittent fasting is the preferred diet of celebrities, from Kourtney Kardashian to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, and is reportedly a staple of Silicon Valley culture. Fox News reported that it’s “hailed by trainers [and] doctors as [an] easy weight loss program that works.”

A new study by American researchers from Kansas State University and Agricultural Research Service have alarmingly found that house flies can carry the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus for up to 24 hours after exposure and are potential transmission vectors of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus!

House flies are known to transmit bacterial, parasitic and viral diseases to humans and animals as mechanical vectors. Previous studies have shown that house flies can mechanically transmit coronaviruses, such as turkey coronavirus; however, the house fly’s role in SARS-CoV-2 transmission was not explored until now. The goal of the study was to investigate the potential of house flies to mechanically transmit SARS-CoV-2.