A lobbying group representing top artificial-intelligence companies including Amazon.com Inc., Facebook Inc. and Google issued a warning to lawmakers on Tuesday: hands off our algorithms.
Category: robotics/AI
Robots are watching us. Literally.
Google has curated a set of YouTube clips to help machines learn how humans exist in the world. The AVAs, or “atomic visual actions,” are three-second clips of people doing everyday things like drinking water, taking a photo, playing an instrument, hugging, standing or cooking.
Each clip labels the person the AI should focus on, along with a description of their pose and whether they’re interacting with an object or another human.
DeepMind’s Professor David Silver describes AlphaGo Zero, the latest evolution of AlphaGo, the first computer program to defeat a world champion at the ancient Chinese game of Go. Zero is even more powerful and is arguably the strongest Go player in history.
Previous versions of AlphaGo initially trained on thousands of human amateur and professional games to learn how to play Go. AlphaGo Zero skips this step and learns to play simply by playing games against itself, starting from completely random play. In doing so, it quickly surpassed human level of play and defeated the previously published champion-defeating version of AlphaGo by 100 games to 0.
If similar techniques can be applied to other structured problems, such as protein folding, reducing energy consumption or searching for revolutionary new materials, the resulting breakthroughs have the potential to positively impact society.
Find out more here: https://deepmind.com/blog/alphago-zero-learning-scratch
This announcement comes just a few days after the UAE announced their UAE 2031 AI strategy, which aims to make the government more efficient and streamlined by relying on AI technologies.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) appears to be leading new trends in government reshuffles, now having introduced its first Minister for Artificial Intelligence.
After establishing a post of the Minister of Happiness last year, the Gulf Kingdom has taken another unconventional step.
From flying taxis to robocops, Dubai as a tech pioneer
The introduction of the new hi-tech position was announced by Vice President and Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum on Thursday.
The computer that stunned humanity by beating the best mortal players at a strategy board game requiring “intuition” has become even smarter, its creators claim.
Even more startling, the updated version of AlphaGo is entirely self-taught — a major step towards the rise of machines that achieve superhuman abilities “with no human input”, they reported in the science journal Nature.
Dubbed AlphaGo Zero, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) system learnt by itself, within days, to master the ancient Chinese board game known as “Go” — said to be the most complex two-person challenge ever invented.
Debate between Facebook’s head of Artificial Intelligence, Yann LeCun and Prof. Gary Marcus at New York University. The debate was moderated by Prof. David Chalmers and recorded Oct 5th, 2017.
A “nature-nurture” debate took place in the foundations of artificial intelligence. Advocates of deep learning, including Yann LeCun, held that to create advanced artificial intelligence systems, general mechanisms for learning from the environment would play the most important role.
LEF has access to blood tests from its customers who take the product. That means data should be available in less than a year. If it works, we can expect other DNN-developed geroprotectors.
In 2011, scientists made one of the most important discoveries in the history of AI development. They found that graphics processing units (GPUs) are far better at simulating biological learning than central processing units (CPUs).