A spot of sunshine is all it could take to get your washing done, thanks to pioneering nano research into self-cleaning textiles.
Researchers at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, have developed a cheap and efficient new way to grow special nanostructures—which can degrade organic matter when exposed to light—directly onto textiles.
The work paves the way towards nano-enhanced textiles that can spontaneously clean themselves of stains and grime simply by being put under a light bulb or worn out in the sun.
TABLE OF CONTENTS ————— 0:00–17:57 : Introduction (Meaning of Life) 17:58–37:45 CHAPTER 1: Longevism and Life Extension —————————————————————————————– WHY DOES AGING HAPPEN? —————————————————————————————– 37:46–54:39 CHAPTER 2 : Gerontonology and Aging a. Free Radical Theory of Aging b. Waste Accumulation Theory of Aging c. Stem Cell Theory of Aging d. DNA Damage Theory of Aging. —————————————————————————————– HOW DO WE CURE AGING? —————————————————————————————– 54:39–1:08:39 : CHAPTER 3 :The Biochemical Solution (#1) a. mitoSENS b. oncoSENS c. lysoSENS d. amyloSENS e. apoptoSENS f. repliSENS g. glycoSENS 1:08:40–2:13:12 CHAPTER 4 : The Physiological Solution (#2) a. Parabiosis and Biovampirism b. Regeneration and Stem Cells c. Lab Grown Organs and Bioprinting d. Head Transplants and Doppleganger Bodies. 2:13:12–2:33:19 CHAPTER 5 : The Genetic Solution (#3) a. TALEN genetic engineering b. Zinc-Finger gene tailoring c. CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing. —————————————————————————————– WILL WE CURE AGING GENETICALLY? —————————————————————————————– 2:33:20–2:49:58 : CHAPTER 6 : Genomics and DNA 2:49:59–3:05:48 : CHAPTER 7 : Transcriptomics and RNA 3:05:49–3:22:08 : CHAPTER 8 : Proteomics and TNA 3:22:09–3:39:38 : CHAPTER 9 : Xenobiology and XNA a. alien proteins b. alien base pairs c. alien DNA 3:39:39–3:54:58 : CHAPTER 10 : Vectors and Gene Therapy (Gene Editing #1) 3:54:59–4:14:57 : CHAPTER 11 : Synthetic Biology (Gene Editing #2) 4:14:58–4:32:14 : CHAPTER 12 : Chimeras, Rianths, and Splices (Gene Editing #3) 4:32:15–4:48:35 : CHAPTER 13 : Ouroborology and Immortal Chimeras (Gene Editing #4) 4:48:36-:5:03:52 : CHAPTER 14 : Kleptoplasty and Photosynthesis (Gene Editing #5) —————————————————————————————- HOW TO SURVIVE UNTIL AGING IS CURED —————————————————————————————- 5:03:53–5:14:27 : CHAPTER 15 : Survive to the Singularity a. the breakeven point b. longevity escape velocity c. the longevity dividend. 5:14:28–5:30:16 : CHAPTER 16 : Centennarians and Blue Zones (Survival Method #0) a. loma linda b. ikaria c. sardinia d. okinawa. 5:30:17–5:42:26 : CHAPTER 17 : Risk Aversion and Micromorts (Survival Method #1) a. micromorts b.microlives 5:42:27–5:58:18 : CHAPTER 18 : Nutraceuticals and Geroprotectors (Survival Method #2) a. rapamycin b. metformin c. selegilene d. nicotinamide riboside e. resverratrol. 5:58:19–6:12:51 : CHAPTER 19 : Caloric Restriction (Survival Method #3) a. endocrine b. epigenetic c. genetic 6:12:52–6:51:57 : CHAPTER 20 : Cryonics & Cryogenics (Survival Method #4) a. the efficacy question b. the cost question c. the resurrection question d. the identity question e. the legal question f. the catastrophe question g. the culture question. —————————————————————————————– CAN WE BE IMMORTAL WITHOUT CURING AGING? —————————————————————————————– _______________________________________________________ 6:51:58–7:04:08 : CHAPTER 21 : Genetic Immortality — Test Tube Babies 7:04:09–7:24:02 : CHAPTER 22 : Genetic Immortality — Designer Babies 7:24:03–7:41:55 : CHAPTER 23 : Genetic Immortality — Clone Babies 7:41:56–7:53:08 : CHAPTER 24 : Genetic Immortality — Artificial Wombs 7:53:08–7:53:09 CHAPTER 25 : Immortalism and Ethics a. the crime argument b. the natural argument c. the boredom argument d. the inequality argument e. the overpopulation argument f. the gerontocracy argument g. the economic argument h. EPILOGUE
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Immortology, Athanophy, Biotechnology, Biotech, Bioviva, Alcor, Calico, Nanotechnology, Nanotech, Reverse Aging, Live Forever, Caloric Restriction, Blue Zone, Centenarian, Singularity, Nutraceuticals, Geroprotectors, Metformin, Seligiline, Rapamycin, Nikolai Fedorov, Aubrey De Grey, Immortalism, Peter Thiel, Gerontology, Telomere, Elizabeth Blackburn, Free Radicals, Oxidative Stress, SENS, Bioinformatic, Transcriptomics, Proteonomics, Genomics, CRISPR Cas9, Synthetic Biology, Craig Venter, Retrovirus, Gene Therapy, Gene Editing, Xenobiology, Epigenetics, RNAi interference, C2C2, David Sinclair, Resveratrol, Sirtuin, Gene, Kleptoplasty, Splice, Spidergoat, Rianth, Chimera, IVF, Test Tube Designer Baby, Cloning South Korea, Artificial Womb, Ectogenesis, Human Cloning, Panyotis Zavos, Stem Cell, Parabiosis, 3D Bioprinting, Regenerative Medicine, Thomas Rando, Sergio Canavero, Head Transplant, Biostasis, Cryopreservation, Cryonics, Vitrification, Extropianism.
A British engineer has found a way to filter unwanted cells from blood using magnets — and his tool could be used in clinical trials as soon as next year.
Thanks to existing research, biochemical scientist George Frodsham knew it was possible to force magnetic nanoparticles to bind to specific cells in the body. But while other researchers did so primarily to make those cells show up in images, he wondered whether the same technique might allow doctors to remove unwanted cells from the blood.
“When someone has a tumour you cut it out,” he told The Telegraph. “Blood cancer is a tumour in the blood, so why not just take it out in the same way?”
Deadly conditions like leukaemia, sepsis and malaria could be drawn from the body using magnets, after a British engineer designed a blood filtering system which sieves away disease.
Dr George Frodsham, came up with the idea while studying how magnetic nanoparticles can be made to bind to cells in the body, to allow, for example those cells to show up on scanners.
But he realised that if it was possible to magnetise cells for imaging, it should also be possible to then suck them out of the blood.
AMOLF researchers and their collaborators from the Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC/CUNY) in New York have created a nanostructured surface capable of performing on-the-fly mathematical operations on an input image. This discovery could boost the speed of existing imaging processing techniques and lower energy usage. The work enables ultrafast object detection and augmented reality applications. The researchers publish their results today in the journal Nano Letters.
Image processing is at the core of several rapidly growing technologies, such as augmented reality, autonomous driving and more general object recognition. But how does a computer find and recognize an object? The initial step is to understand where its boundaries are, hence edge detection in an image becomes the starting point for image recognition. Edge detection is typically performed digitally using integrated electronic circuits implying fundamental speed limitations and high energy consumption, or in an analog fashion which requires bulky optics.
Superhydrophobic materials, which are excellent at repelling water, can be extremely useful for a whole range of reasons, both obvious and not-so-obvious. They can prevent ice from building up on surfaces, make electronics waterproof, make ships more efficient or keep people from peeing in public. Now engineers have found a quirky new use for superhydrophobic materials – making “unsinkable” metals that stay floating even when punctured.
Superhydrophobic materials get their water-repelling properties by trapping air in complex surfaces. These air bubbles make it hard for water to stick, so droplets instead bounce or roll right off. But, of course, air also makes things buoyant, so the team set out to test how superhydrophobic materials could be used to make objects that float better.
The researchers used ultra-fast laser pulses to etch microscale and nanoscale patterns onto the surfaces. That traps large volumes of air, making the metals both superhydrophobic and buoyant. But the problem was that these complex surfaces would eventually wear away due to friction in the water, reducing the effectiveness of both of those properties.
March 19, 2009 Researchers at the University of Miami and at the Universities of Tokyo and Tohoku, Japan, have been able to prove the existence of a “spin battery,” that could have significant applications including much faster, less expensive and use less energy consuming computer hard drives with no moving parts, and could even be developed to power cars.
A “spin battery” is “charged” by applying a large magnetic field to nano-magnets in a device called a magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ). Like a toy car, the spin battery is “wound up” by applying a large magnetic field — no chemistry involved.
The secret behind this technology is the use of nano-magnets to induce an electromotive force. It uses the same principles as those in a conventional battery, except in a more direct fashion. The energy stored in a battery, be it in an iPod or an electric car, is in the form of chemical energy. When something is turned “on” there is a chemical reaction, which occurs and produces an electric current. The new technology converts the magnetic energy directly into electrical energy, without a chemical reaction. The electrical current made in this process is called a spin polarized current and finds use in a new technology called “spintronics.” Also known as magnetoelectronics, this is an emerging technology, which exploits the intrinsic spin of electrons and its associated magnetic movement, in addition to its fundamental electronic charge, in solid-state devices.
We report results from molecular dynamic simulations of the freezing transition of liquid water in the nanoscale hydrophobic confinement under the influence of a homogeneous external magnetic field…
In 1884, a schoolmaster and theologian named Edwin Abbott wrote a novella called Flatland, which tells the story of a world populated by sentient two-dimensional shapes. While intended as a satire of rigid Victorian social norms, Flatland has long fascinated mathematicians and physicists and served as the setting for many a thought experiment.
One such thought experiment: How can light be controlled in two dimensions?
When a wave of light is confined on a two-dimensional plane by certain materials, it becomes something known as a polariton—a particle that blurs the distinction between light and matter. Polaritons have exciting implications for the future of optical circuits because, unlike electronic integrated circuits, integrated optics is difficult to miniaturize with commonly used materials. Polaritons allow light to be tightly confined to the nanoscale, even potentially to the thickness of a few atoms.