They can, and while this is mostly okay, it’s also one of the reasons we age—and we just might be able to do something about it.
They can, and while this is mostly okay, it’s also one of the reasons we age—and we just might be able to do something about it.
Chris Long is an IT worker in the Washoe County Sheriff’s Department in Reno, Nevada. But all the DNA in his semen belongs to a German man he’s never met.
That’s because Long received a bone marrow transplant from the European stranger four years ago — and the unexpected impact it has had on his biology could affect the future of forensic science.
According to a newly published New York Times story, the purpose of the transplant was to treat Long’s acute myeloid leukemia, a type of cancer that prevents the body from producing blood normally.
MESA, AZ — Mysterious lights hovering above the east Valley have many wondering if we’ve had a close encounter.
“It was pretty bright, it was about straight up over here, and it went straight that way, stopped, and it didn’t seem like it was too far,” said DJ Maier and Kerri Burnett, describing what they saw.
The couple says they spotted the phenomenon outside their Mesa home on Sunday around nine that night.
Exactly why magic mushrooms go blue when cut was something of a chemical puzzle.
Why do magic mushrooms turn blue when they are cut? Chemists have now unravelled this decade-old mystery, in the process revealing that the dark blue pigments at the centre of the mystery are similar to indigo, the dye used to produce blue jeans.
The Star Trek Blueprints (or Booklet of General Plans) are a detailed “Complete Set of 12 Authentic Blueprints” (sized 9-by-30 inches) of the USS Constitution (NCC-1700), a ship of the same class as the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701). (The cover claims the blueprints are “of the Fabulous Starship Enterprise”.)
One of the nice things about a road trip is you often get to see something that really surprises you. A recent trip through Texas may have resulted in my second most surprising sighting. There’s a strange tower that looks oddly like a Tesla tower in the middle of rural Texas, right off the main interstate. What is it? Although Google did answer the question — sort of — I’m still not sure how legitimate its stated purpose is.
First Sighting
I was driving between Wimberly and Frisco — two towns that aren’t exactly household names outside of Texas. Near Milford, there’s a very tall structure that looks like a giant mechanical mushroom on top of a grain silo. If the mushroom were inverted or pointing towards the horizon, it would be easy to imagine it was some very odd antenna. This dish, however, is pointed right down its own odd-shaped mast. The top of the thing sure looks like the top of a Van de Graf generator.
Posted in alien life, astronomy, bioengineering, chemistry, DNA, Elon Musk, evolution, futurism, government, Mark Zuckerberg | Leave a Comment on AstroBiology and the Search for ExtraTerrestrial-Like Life!! — ideaXme — Dr. Penelope “Penny” Boston, PhD., Director of NASA’s Astrobiology Institute — Ira Pastor