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A super-short and to-the-point introduction to Rejuvenaction, ageing, and rejuvenation which I wrote on l4t.

You might have noticed I have sometimes mentioned ‘Rejuvenaction’ in passing in other posts on l4t, but never really went too much into detail as to what Rejuvenaction even is. I was hoping to trigger curiosity in the few readers l4t has had thus far (this is what I get for posting once in a blue moon), but I think it is high time to formally introduce l4t’s older brother.

Simply put, Rejuvenaction is an advocacy blog meant to spread awareness about the problem of human ageing and what could be done to bring about the end of this problem within a few decades.

No, it’s neither a joke, nor about snake oil supplements to part a bunch of fools from their money. It’s about hopefully relatively-soon-to-be rejuvenation biotechnologies to bring the biological clock of people back to about 25 years of age, so that regardless of their chronological age, they can be as healthy as they were when they were young adults.

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Could an experimental anti-aging cocktail of #rapamycin and #metformin and other drugs extend life? A Chicago physician is treating patients with an untested anti-aging drug regimen. This article details which medications the doctor prescribes and why he prescribes them.

A doctor prescribes anti-aging cocktail of rapamycin, metformin, and other drugs. This article explains the components of the cocktail.

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Update on google’s secretive calico labs.

Google’s #Calico #Labs startup has been cloaked in secrecy, until recently. Calico Labs is using #AI and #MachineLearning to defeat aging. Using a new AI-based machine, they decoded a human genome from scratch — without looking at the official genome map.

Google’s biotech startup Calico Labs is hoping to outsmart death and has been cloaked in secrecy, until recently. That is, until this report.

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This is not about creating zombies-those so-called living (or walking) dead that are very popular and make a really great theme for TV shows and movies.

Even the Game of Thrones has its version of the living dead with them nasty creatures called White Walkers and Wights.

But then again, that’s only science fiction, isn’t it? Well, maybe not. In fact, this science-fiction plot could soon play out in real life. Read on.

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Short for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, CRISPR is a revolutionary gene editing technique that’s taken the scientific world by storm. Both ultra-precise and easy to access, CRISPR could be the next step towards wiping out genetically inherited diseases and even curing cancers. A host of exciting CRISPR concepts are currently undergoing clinical trials and proof-of-concept experiments, with one particularly controversial focus — human embryos.

A “cut and paste” concept

While there have been rumours coming out of China for years, US scientists have now confirmed that the first attempts to create genetically modified human embryos have been a success. Led by researchers at the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, the study used CRISPR to change the DNA of multiple one-cell human embryos. Basically, this allowed them to “snip” out segments of a particular genome and switch them with customised replacements. As in previous cases, the embryos were terminated several days after creation to prevent them from developing into foetuses.

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Ten years ago, researchers thought that getting a computer to tell the difference between a cat and a dog would be almost impossible. Today, computer vision systems do it with greater than 99 percent accuracy. How?

Joseph Redmon works on the YOLO (You Only Look Once) system, an open-source method of object detection that can identify objects in images and video — from zebras to stop signs — with lightning-quick speed. In a remarkable live demo, Redmon shows off this important step forward for applications like self-driving cars, robotics and even cancer detection.

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There is a crisis in science funding and in the relatively small field of rejuvenation biotechnology this means that crowdfunding breakthrough science is vitally important.

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