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Black Hole at Heart of Milky Way Keeps Flashing and No One Knows Why

Sagittarius A* keeps flashing randomly on a daily basis. Astronomers mapped 15 years of radiation bursts to try to figure out why. The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, Sagittarius A*, keeps releasing random bursts of radiation on a daily basis and no one can figure out what is causing it. […]

The Early Sun’s Rings Stopped Our Planet from Becoming a ‘Super-Earth’

The sun was once surrounded by rings of gas and dust similar to those orbiting Saturn, a new study published in the journal Nature Astronomy reveals. These rings played a vital role in the formation of our solar system and in the size and habitability of Earth. The early sun’s dust and gas rings may […]

Lightyears 101: Are We Watching the Stars In Real Time?

In our solar system, Saturn is the farthest planet from Earth that can be seen with the naked eye. And if it is destroyed by an asteroid while you are watching it (with or without a telescope), the ringed planet would still be visible to you for around 80 minutes, on average, even after it’s […]

BlueNoroff hackers steal crypto using fake MetaMask extension

The North Korean threat actor group known as ‘BlueNoroff’ has been spotted targeting cryptocurrency startups with malicious documents and fake MetaMask browser extensions. The motive of this group is purely financial, but its sophistication in carrying out objectives has previously led researchers to conclude that this is a sub-group of the North Korean Lazarus gang. […]

Observability: How AI will enhance the world of monitoring and management

The more the enterprise transitions from a mere digital organization to a fully intelligent one, the more data executives will come to realize that traditional monitoring and management of complex systems and processes is not enough. What’s needed is a new, more expansive form of oversight – which lately has come to be known as […]

Smart guns finally arriving in U.S., seeking to shake up firearms market

Personalized smart guns, which can be fired only by verified users, may finally become available to U.S. consumers after two decades of questions about reliability and concerns they will usher in a new wave of government regulation. Four-year-old LodeStar Works on Friday unveiled its 9mm smart handgun for shareholders and investors in Boise, Idaho. And […]

Northwest Arkansas is offering $10K in Bitcoin and bike to relocate there

How about this as an incentive to relocate: $10K in crypto and a bike. Northwest Arkansas hopes to lure remote tech workers and entrepreneurs to the region by offering them $10,000 worth of Bitcoin (BTC-USD) and a bicycle. “Northwest Arkansas is one of the fastest-growing regions in the country, and we’re now seeing more explosive […]

Aussie Hydrogen-Powered Hypersonic Spaceplane to Become a Real Game-Changer

Hypersonic speeds, 3D-printed components, and emissions-free propulsion systems are three major trends in the aerospace industry. Add reusability for increased cost-effectiveness, and you’ve got the recipe for a new-generation spaceplane that’s gearing up to make waves in just a couple of years. And it’s coming from Australia. Read more | >