Reluctant to pop a paracetamol for that headache? Virtual reality might offer an alternative solution.
Category: virtual reality
Twenty years ago, entertainment was dominated by a handful of producers and monolithic broadcasters, a near-impossible market to break into.
And now, over 50 years later, AI is bringing stories to life like we’ve never seen before.
Converging with the rise of virtual reality and colossal virtual worlds, AI has begun to create vastly detailed renderings of dead stars, generate complex supporting characters with intricate story arcs, and even bring your favorite stars—whether Marlon Brando or Amy Winehouse—back to the big screen and into a built environment.
While still in its nascent stages, AI has already been used to embody virtual avatars that you can converse with in VR, soon to be customized to your individual preferences.
What is reality and how do we know? For many the answer is simple: What you see — hear, feel, touch, and taste — is what you get.
Your skin feels warm on a summer day because the sun exists. That apple you just tasted sweet and that left juices on your fingers, it must have existed. Our senses tell us that reality is there, and we use reason to fill in the blanks — that is, we know the sun doesn’t cease to exist at night even if we can’t see it.
But cognitive psychologist Donald Hoffman says we’re misunderstanding our relationship with objective reality. In fact, he argues that evolution has cloaked us in a perceptional virtual reality. For our own good.
We look back at the historic 1969 moon landing of the Apollo 11. Hear stories from the original crew, explore photos and experience the launch in VR.
A glove focused on user experience in interacting with virtual objects is in the news. This virtual reality glove is the topic of a research article. The researchers described their virtual reality glove in detail in their paper, “Pneumatic actuator and flexible piezoelectric sensor for soft virtual reality glove system,” in Scientific Reports.
No, this is hardly the first instance of researchers able to reproduce texture but this attempt is noteworthy. As pointed out in, the glove system in this instance is one that allows the wearer to manipulate a virtual hand, pick up an object in virtual reality and feel its shape.
Bill Andrews took to the D-brief blog on Discover to examine the glove’s characteristics— of sensors and actuators. The Korean team designed it as a glove to manipulate a virtual hand inside a digital realm, said Andrews.
These robotic tiles can track your every step to create an immersive VR experience via 筑波大学|University of Tsukuba.
English below. — Mirages & miracles / Exposition / Création décembre 2017, Les Subsistances, Lyon, France. Une série d’installations qui abritent un animisme numérique. Les œuvres, du petit au grand format, offrent toutes une coïncidence finement organisée entre virtuel et matériel : dessins augmentés, dispositifs d’illusions holographiques, casques de réalité virtuelle, projections grande échelle. Elles donnent à vivre un ensemble de scénarios improbables qui tiennent à la fois du mirage et du miracle, qui jouent à la frontière entre le vrai et le faux, l’animé et l’inanimé, l’authentique et l’imposture, la magie, le merveilleux, et l’inouï. — Mirages & miracles / Live Exhibition / New work December 2017, Les Subsistances, Lyon, France. Series of installations inhabited by digital animism. Ranging from small to large-scale work, this corpus of installations offers a delicate coincidence between the virtual and the material using augmented drawings, holographic illusions, virtual-reality headsets, large-scale projections. It offers a unique ensemble of improbable scenarios that takes root in both the mirage and the miracle, and plays with the boundaries between true and false, the animate and the inanimate, the authentic and the deceptive, the magical, the wondrous, and the indescriptible.
Équipe Conception et direction artistique : Claire Bardainne et Adrien Mondot Dessin : Claire Bardainne Conception informatique : Adrien Mondot Développement informatique : Rémi Engel Composition et conception sonore : Olivier Mellano Danse : Bérangère Fournier, Samuel Faccioli, Akiko Kajihara Régie d’exposition : Laurent Cuzin, Elvire Tapie Menuiserie : DeFacto / Julien Quartier, Charles Robin — Atelier Gautier.
Serrurerie acier : Mathieu Laville, Rémy Mangevaud, Elvis Dagier Serrurerie aluminium : Teviloj / Ludovic Laffay Lithographie : URDLA Sérigraphie : Olivier Bral Impression : Artprint Verre soufflé : Nicolas Sartor
Direction technique : Alexis Bergeron Administration : Marek Vuiton Production et diffusion : Joanna Rieussec Production : Margaux Fritsch, Delphine Teypaz
The school is designed to teach students how to use technology to deliver high-quality care in new and collaborative ways.