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This could cause earthquakes because of the moons mass pulls of the mass of our planet.

There’s a rare supermoon coming this weekend, and no matter how devastated or thrilled you are by the latest election results, you don’t want to miss it.

In the wee hours of Sunday night and Monday morning, the moon will come closer to the Earth than it has in nearly 70 years.

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Everyone from astronomers to tech companies wants to know what it would be like to live on Mars.

From growing vegetables in Martian soil, to claims that leaving Earth could save the human species, scientists are constantly making advances in this field.

Now, astronomers from the Royal Observatory in London and Stephen Petranek — author of “How We’ll Live on Mars” — have designed a Martian Show Home to demonstrate what life could be like on the Red Planet.

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If you were to compare yourself to a neutron star, you probably wouldn’t find very many things in common. After all, neutron stars – celestial bodies with super strong magnetic fields – are made from collapsed star cores, lie light-years away from Earth, and don’t even watch Netflix.

But, according to new research, we share at least one similarity: the geometry of the matter that makes us.

Researchers have found that the ‘crust’ (or outer layers) of a neutron star has the same shape as our cellular membranes. This could mean that, despite being fundamentally different, both humans and neutron stars are constrained by the same geometry.

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In Brief:

  • A Type IV civilization is a society that has managed to harness the energy of the entire universe.
  • To get here, we would need to tap into energy sources unknown to us using strange laws of physics (laws that may or may not exist).

To measure the level of a civilization’s advancement, the Kardashev scale focuses on the amount of energy that a civilization is able to harness. Obviously, the amount of power available to a civilization is linked to how widespread the civilization is (you can’t harness the power of a star if you are confined to your home planet, and you certainly can’t harness the power of a galaxy if you can’t even get out of your solar system).

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Here’s something to think about — physicists have proposed that the Universe could have a ‘self destruct’ mechanism, whereby everything in existence could disappear forever at any time, without warning.

Yep, as the video by Kurzgesagt — In a Nutshell above explains, if this self-destruct button turns out to be a real thing, it means we could be here one second, and gone the next, and we’d never even see it coming.

To understand this horrifying scenario, we first have to go through two of the fundamental principles of the Universe, the first being energy levels.

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Everyone’s talking about private industry getting humans on Mars. Mars trips! Mars houses! Mars colonies! But no one’s going anywhere without the help of one brilliant, peculiar, fantastical space center—NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab, which is behind almost every amazing feat in the history of space travel. August 2012.

At 2:00 a.m. in the blond hills of La Cañada Flintridge, California, one house stands lit among the others—an open eye in a sleeping town. Bryn Oh, the woman who lives in the house, helps her son Devyn, eight, walk his bike to the parking lot of the high school across the street. Devyn, who just learned to ride, wobbles for a few minutes before pedaling furiously out into the darkness, letting off a whoop as he gets going. Bryn’s older children, Ashlyn, ten, and Braden, thirteen, watch as he goes. David Oh, Bryn’s husband and the reason they’re all up at this uncivilized hour, isn’t there to see it. He’ll arrive home around 3:00 a.m., when he gets off work. Tomorrow will probably be closer to 3:40. Bryn has it all worked out on a spreadsheet.

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2 key areas to never lose focus on when it comes to NextGen tech — Biocomputing and QC. I also would add that what we have been seeing in crystalized formations found synthetic diamonds and other structures is a core piece as well.

EMN is a world-class collective of award-winning journalists and researchers whose mission is to be the leading online live streaming news network for alternative news and information. This news and research-driven force will be the recognized source for inquiring minds. From the paranormal to the supernormal, inner space to outer space, whether groundbreaking scientific discoveries or research into the world of the unexplained; EMN is the gateway for inquiring minds uniting a formidable community of truth-seekers worldwide led by the most respected industry leaders committed to the highest level of integrity.

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This story may sound like the plot of a science-fiction movie.

Next year, a team of top scientists will hunker down inside a classified facility in the Nevada desert so they can experiment with a piece of advanced technology.

The test will focus on a small nuclear reactor and if it works as planned, it could be a huge step toward putting humans on Mars.

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NASA’s Curiosity rover stumbled across a peculiar-looking metallic meteorite last week, while climbing the slopes of Mars’ Mount Sharp.

Meteorites are pretty common on the Red Planet due to its thin atmosphere and proximity to the asteroid belt. But this little meteorite is unusually smooth — almost like someone’s buffed it.

It also has several deep grooves, which suggests that it might have been molten at some point in time.

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