The artificial intelligence “Magenta” wrote an original song, and it’s not half bad. Check it out.
Dr. Demis Hassabis is the Co-Founder and CEO of DeepMind, the world’s leading General Artificial Intelligence (AI) company, which was acquired by Google in 2014 in their largest ever European acquisition. Demis will draw on his eclectic experiences as an AI researcher, neuroscientist and video games designer to discuss what is happening at the cutting edge of AI research, including the recent historic AlphaGo match, and its future potential impact on fields such as science and healthcare, and how developing AI may help us better understand the human mind.
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Golf, offshore powerboat racing, sky diving: David Hare had led an active lifestyle. Then, in February 2011, he was diagnosed with ALS, a neurological disease that leads to rapid progressive degeneration of nerve cells, the loss of the ability to control muscle movement, and eventually death. The 56-year-old Michigan resident, who was told by doctors that he had less than five years to live, found a new lease of life last year with Obi, a robot that helps the differently abled feed themselves.
Ever wonder how keeps up with the massive amounts of daily orders? Worker robots!
In 15 years the human specie is going to develop super human level machine intelligence.
-What it means to be Super-Human?
–The country with Artificial Intelligence will be the country on top.
David Simpson is the best-selling novelist of the Post-Human series, a Kindle All-Star and has been ranked the most popular scifi Author in America by He has filmed a short proof-of-concept based on his series, is an award-winning teacher and holds a Master’s degree in literature from the University of British Columbia.
David is a full example of believing in the story in your head and getting it published. He is been part of the story-telling business since his twenties. He went out of the ‘Book Industry Professionals ways’ and took the risk of not hearing the voice of those ‘who knew’ about scifi books. Now he is living his dream of been a full time scifi author and maybe he can help us dream into the realms of a Post-Human not so far future.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
Posted in quantum physics, robotics/AI, supercomputing | Leave a Comment on Diginomica: Supercomputer Watson joins quantum services and the TrueNorth chip in helping IBM understand what it means to be human
No offense Tesla, Google, GM, etc.
China has banned highway testing of autonomous vehicles while the country’s auto-industry regulator works with local police to determine specific national rules about autonomous car testing.
Who’s calling the shots now? After nearly four years on the job, NASA’s Curiosity rover is finally making certain scientific decisions on its own. The Martian explorer now picks some of the rock targets to blast with the laser on its ChemCam instrument.
A software upgrade known as AEGIS allows the rover to make key decisions when Mars is out of sync with Curiosity’s handlers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, delivering more data in less time. It’s the first time a robot has been able to choose such science targets autonomously on any planetary mission.
“Time on Mars is valuable and we get more data this way and we get the data much faster,” said AEGIS team member Raymond Francis, a scientific applications software engineer at JPL.