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What are the quantum technologies that are now attracting so much research funding? In this video I go through the most important ones: quantum computing, quantum metrology, the quantum internet, and quantum simulations. I explain what these are all about and how likely they are to impact our lives soon. I also tell you what frequently headline blunders to watch out for.

The White House report I mention at 10 mins 34 seconds is here:

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It’s a web of endless possibilities, but there’s a chance we might find ourselves interwoven in the same old web of Big Tech.

The emergence of blockchain-based technologies such as cryptocurrency, NFTs, metaverse, blockchain, and distributed ledger technology, etc is being seen as the herald of a new era of the internet — a more transparent and open version of the web that would be collectively controlled by users, instead of tech giants like Google and Facebook.

Some experts believe this decentralized Web, which is also referred to as Web 3.0, will bring more transparency and democratization to the digital world. Web 3.0 may establish a decentralized digital ecosystem where users will be able to own and control every aspect of their digital presence. Some hope that it will put an end to the existing centralized systems that encourage data exploitation and privacy violation.

More than 30 years have passed since the World Wide Web first came into existence, and over this course of time, the world of the internet has gone through various stages of development. There is no textbook definition of Web 3.0, but by going through these stages, you can have an idea of how Web 3.0 may shape the future of the internet experience.

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China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) on Saturday released its second batch of extended goals for promoting the usage of China’s 5G network and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

IIoT refers to the interconnection between sensors, instruments and other devices to enhance manufacturing efficiency and industrial processes. With a strong focus on machine-to-machine communication, big data and machine learning, the IIoT has been applied across many industrial sectors and applications.

The MIIT announced that the 5G IIoT will be applied in the petrochemical industry, building materials, ports, textiles and home appliances as the 2021 China 5G + Industrial Internet Conference kicked off Saturday in Wuhan, central China’s Hubei Province.

RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov 16 (Reuters) — Elon Musk and Brazilian Communications Minister Fabio Faria met in Austin on Tuesday to discuss a potential partnership that would leverage SpaceX technology to bring Internet to rural schools and cut back on illegal deforestation.

In a statement, the Brazilian government said the two talked about how SpaceX and Starlink, a satellite broadband service offered by the firm, could help monitor the Amazon rainforest for illegal cutting, while also providing Internet connections to remote schools and health centers.

“We’re working to seal this important partnership between the Brazilian government and SpaceX,” Faria said, according to the statement. “Our objective is to bring Internet to rural areas and remote places, in addition to helping control fires and illegal deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.”

Meet Jaimie and Dave, shipping container homeowners who decided to make their dreams come true by building a tiny house out of shipping containers. On their website, you can follow their incredible tiny house journey and learn everything there is to know about building a tiny home. Their tiny house ambitions began after they realized that no matter how many hours they worked or how much money they saved, keeping up with the others around them was weighing them down. They realized they didn’t want to do it any longer, so the pair took a life-altering decision to change the course of their narrative.

After erecting a little house on their new property, the primary intention was to be mortgage-free. They had a small savings account and some basic abilities. Jaimie is an accountant/controller who has never been afraid of a challenge and enjoys the thrill of problem-solving and thinking outside the box. Dave is a fabricator, so metal was right up his alley, and Jaimie is an accountant/controller who has never been afraid of a challenge and enjoys the thrill of problem-solving and thinking outside the box. They convinced themselves that they could accomplish it and set off on their quest.

They spent months scouring the internet for information on how to build a shipping container home and reading all they could find. They discovered they were practically precisely where they started after months of investigation and study. The couple had no idea how to construct a shipping container home. They discovered the internet, as well as a few of resources from other DIYers, to be somewhat useful, but nothing that worked with what the couple intended to achieve. So they reasoned that putting two metal boxes together and making them livable couldn’t be that difficult, and that it couldn’t be that expensive.

His team, he adds, has spent years refining the technology’s atmospheric sensing, mirror controls, and motion detection capabilities; Taara’s terminals can now automatically adjust to changes in the environment to maintain precise connections.

Project Taara aims to bridge a connectivity gap between the Republic of the Congo’s Brazzaville and the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Kinshasa. The cities lie just 4.8 kilometers (2.9 miles) apart, but between them is the Congo River —it’s the deepest river in the world (220 meters/720 feet in parts! Pretty terrifying, if you ask me), the second-fastest, and the only one that crosses the equator twice. That makes for some complicated logistics, and as such, internet connectivity in Kinshasa (which is on the river’s south bank) very expensive.

Local internet providers are putting down 400 kilometers of fiber connection around the river, but in a textbook example of leapfrogging technology, Project Taara used WOC to beam high-speed connectivity over the river instead.

A new European satellite will use machine learning to provide rapid, low-cost information on soil conditions to enable smarter agriculture. The project is a model for what novel sensors and artificial intelligence technology can do in a vehicle no bigger than a shoebox.

Edge computing is a fashionable buzz-phrase for the technique of shifting the processing power away from the server farms of the internet and out to where the data is being collected. According to some, edge computing is the next great tech revolution, and in the case of satellites, where communications bandwidth is severely limited, it could be transformational.

The Intuition-1 satellite program will provide soil data to drive European precision agriculture projects, which involve applying fertilizer only when and where needed rather than treating an entire field. Precision agriculture is both more economical and easier on the environment — the catch is that it requires detailed information about soil conditions on a small scale. At present, establishing levels of soil nutrients in sufficient detail involves taking samples from multiple locations and sending them to a laboratory for analysis. This typically takes about three weeks.