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Flexible computer processors have circuits printed onto plastic film.


Could a flexible processor stuck on your produce track the freshness of your cantaloupe? That’s the idea behind the latest processor from UK computer chip designer Arm, which says such a device could be manufactured for pennies by printing circuits directly onto paper, cardboard or cloth. The technology could give trillions of everyday items such as clothes and food containers the ability to collect, process and transmit data across the internet – something that could be as convenient for retailers as it is concerning for privacy advocates.

A major internet outage has affected the websites of major retail, financial, logistics and travel websites, while 911 service in several Virginia cities appears to be affected by a cut fiber optic cable.

Down Detector, a service that detects whether websites are working properly or not, began reporting a series of at least 50 major website outages shortly before 12pm EST on Thursday.

The websites of UPS, Delta Air Lines, Costco, American Express and Home Depot were down, displaying domain name system (DNS) service errors.

The basic assumption, and it’s proven to be a good one, is that more people will want to send more stuff over the internet tomorrow, Tuesday, or in ten years. We may not know how many people or what stuff exactly, but growth has generally been a good guess.

To meet tomorrow’s demands, we have to start building a more capable internet today. And by we, I mean researchers in labs around the world. So it is that each year we’re duly notified of a new eye-watering, why-would-we-need-that speed record.

In August of last year, a University College London (UCL) team, set the top mark at 178 terabits per second. Now, a year later, researchers at Japan’s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) say they’ve nearly doubled the record with speeds of 319 terabits per second.

BlenderBot 2.0 is better at conducting more extended, more knowledgeable, and factually consistent conversations over multiple sessions than the existing state-of-the-art chatbot. BlenderBot’s improved conversational abilities have made it a serious contender for artificial intelligence research.

The AI model takes the information it gets from conversations and stores them in long-term memory. The knowledge is stored separately for each person they speak to, which ensures that new information learned in one conversation can’t be used against another.

This model can read and respond in real-time, making it an excellent tool for keeping up with current events. It can scan the internet for new information to have a more up-to-date conversation.

When thinking of the crypto community, or any other movement for that matter, it’s common to think of where it is now. Hundreds of projects, thousands of developers, millions of users. But crypto started, not so long ago, with a nobody, Satoshi Nakamoto.

By building a small, but incredibly dedicated community of supporters, crypto has become an unstoppable force which will define this century, changing the core of our economic system: money itself.

At Superfluid, we are incredibly excited to be a part of this monumental shift, contributing our own innovation to magical internet money: modular asset streaming.