Is this the solution to stop humans from trashing the planet?
Scientists pieced together the ancient origins of mysterious masses of rock found deep underground.
There was huge storage of reserve of ₹35,000 crores even in 2005, and it was flourishing around the world. But today, it is running at a loss of ₹14,000 crores (only in 2018–19).
Posted in futurism | Leave a Comment on Bill Gates warned that a devastating ‘quirk of nature’ could kill 30 million people in less than a year. Experts say we’re still not doing enough to prepare
An outbreak could easily spread around the globe in 36 hours, sickening millions and costing $3 trillion. Epidemiologists say we’re not prepared.
The world is unprepared for a global pandemic that could wipe out 80 million people in less than 36 hours along with 5% of the global GDP, a new report from the WHO says.
Posted in futurism | Leave a Comment on During Ken Hu’s keynote at #HuaweiConnect 2019, he invites partners to seize this historical opportunity to collaborate, actively engaging and creating new ideas
How To Study The Arctic? Freeze A Ship Full Of Researchers Into The Ice A group of scientists is embarking on a bold plan to better understand an extremely understudied part of the rapidly warming Arctic — the central Arctic Ocean.
Just to put this out there: There’s no shortage of Christian apologists who have written books tailored to a younger audience, and the Bible itself has all kinds of children’s editions. But when Dawkins’ book comes out, you can expect Christian writers to accuse Dawkins of trying to indoctrinate children into godlessness. Even though he’s doing exactly what they do, except from a different perspective. The difference is he actually has evidence on his side.
The book will be released this October.
They just might change how you see nuclear energy.