Volcanic activity world-wide / VolcanoDiscovery.
Category: futurism
Happened in Indonesia moments ago. #Krakatoa stay active for some hours.
Light only travels in straight lines, or does it? Scientists have known for centuries that light is composed of waves, but the fact that light can also act like a liquid, that is rippling and spiralling around obstacles like the current of a river, is a much more recent discovery that is increasingly an area of extensive research. However, as you’d expect the “liquid” properties of light only emerge under special conditions when the photons that make up the light waves are able to interact with one another.
When a Tesla meets the “Back To The Future” franchise, we normally end up with a match made in heaven. The Palo Alto carmaker has even released an Easter Egg revolving around this connection last year and we are now here to talk about a rendering that takes the link to a whole new level.
🏺 The child Krakatoa has just erupted few hours ago.
“This is Anak Krakatoa as the locals call it. Son of Krakatoa. Highly explosive magma. Seems it will now start to rebuild itself. The big eruption had destroyed most of the previous cone. It collapsed as the magma chamber emptied creating a tsunami. The real violent explosion was when seawater then entered into the empty magma chamber turning into steam and expanding thousandfolds” Andy Sanders, one of our members, Thank you Andy.
Fyodor R.
Mmm, 👍
Reykjanes peninsula’s last active period started in 10th century and lasted 300 years.
Senior Technical Analyst Jim Wyckoff prepares investors with an overview of how the markets opened and closed. What moved metal prices? How do the technicals look? By looking at important developments.
While billionaires vie for the stars, $750,000 trips to the bottom of the Marianas Trench will begin departing in May.
Victor Vescovo wanted to be the first person to reach the deepest points of all five oceans – but first he had to build a submarine that was up to it.