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Boston Dynamics is announcing this morning that Spot, its versatile quadruped robot, is now for sale. The machine’s animal-like behavior regularly electrifies crowds at tech conferences, and like other Boston Dynamics’ robots, Spot is a YouTube sensation whose videos amass millions of views.

Now anyone interested in buying a Spot—or a pack of them—can go to the company’s website and submit an order form. But don’t pull out your credit card just yet. Spot may cost as much as a luxury car, and it is not really available to consumers. The initial sale, described as an “early adopter program,” is targeting businesses. Boston Dynamics wants to find customers in select industries and help them deploy Spots in real-world scenarios.

A unified theory of ageing, there is a vid and a paper linked within.

ALAMEDA, Calif.—( )—AgeX Therapeutics, Inc. (“AgeX”; NYSE American: AGE), a biotechnology company focused on therapeutics for human aging and regeneration, announced today that founder and CEO Michael D. West, Ph.D., and colleagues have authored a paper in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Regenerative Medicine on the theoretical foundation of the Company’s induced Tissue Regeneration (iTRTM) technology. The paper presents the work of the company’s scientists in describing a unified theory of aging and regeneration that could pave the way for the development of new therapies for a variety of age-related degenerative diseases and conditions.

“The longevity sector is advancing at an accelerating pace, but for the most part, without a consensus on the fundamental root causes of aging,” commented Dr. West. “We believe that it is now possible to collate the diverse observations about aging into a unified model. In the paper titled, ‘Toward a Unified Theory of Aging and Regeneration’ we outline such a theory that underlies the technological underpinnings of the company’s induced tissue regeneration (iTR) program.”

Recent surveys, studies, forecasts and other quantitative assessments of the impact and progress of AI highlighted the strong state of AI surveillance worldwide, the lack of adherence to common privacy principles in companies’ data privacy statement, the growing adoption of AI by global businesses, and the perception of AI as a major risk by institutional investors.

PARIS — The European Union’s equivalent of a foreign ministry is starting a new effort to promote the need for sustainable space operations, but that effort will not initially include any new regulation of European satellite operators.

Carine Claeys, special envoy for space and head of the Space Task Force for the European External Action Service, said in a Sept. 13 panel discussion at Euroconsult’s World Satellite Business Week that the Safety, Security and Sustainability of Outer Space (3SOS) public diplomacy initiative will promote “ethical conduct” in space amid concerns about orbital debris.

The acronym, she noted, has a second meaning. “It is also three times SOS,” she said, “to create the case and a sense of urgency.”

Right now, billions of neurons in your brain are working together to generate a conscious experience — and not just any conscious experience, your experience of the world around you and of yourself within it. How does this happen? According to neuroscientist Anil Seth, we’re all hallucinating all the time; when we agree about our hallucinations, we call it “reality.” Join Seth for a delightfully disorienting talk that may leave you questioning the very nature of your existence.

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