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Haven’t heard from Fossel in awhile. This is long but well indexed in the notes.

My mission is to drastically improve your life by helping you break bad habits, build and keep new healthy habits to make you the best version of yourself.

This video me, Brent Nally, interviewing Dr. Michael Fossel about Telocyte and telomerase gene therapy on November 16, 2019.

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0:20 Dr. Michael Fossel intro — Follow Michael on LinkedIn: ;
2:00 Planned January 2020 interview with Michael.
2:25 Buy Michael’s 3 books: 1) Reversing Human Aging 2) Cells Aging & Human Disease 3) The Telomerase Revolution.
5:07 Aging complexities
8:20 Small molecules won’t reverse human aging.
9:01 People are fixed in their incorrect beliefs about aging.
12:50 Sometimes we have to first go backwards to move forwards. My March 26, 2019 interview with Dr. Ed Park at Recharge Biomedical:
15:55 Economics of radically increasing the human healthspan.
19:01 Leonard Hayflick
21:05 The rate of telomere loss is linked to many organism’s lifespan.
22:30 Lengthening human telomeres in aging cells “resets” the cells to make them biologically younger.
24:10 Cells, Aging, and Human Disease preface.
28:20 human population if we radically increase human healthspan/lifespan.
31:20 biological vs chronological aging
32:25 telomerase activation is the best point of clinical and financial intervention to cure and prevent age related diseases.
37:30 Data generally doesn’t support the idea that making telomerase more active in humans can cause cancer. Michael beliefs this idea has been propagated by misinterpreting data.
45:02 Causation & Pathology in Alzheimer’s Disease.
46:30 standard cell aging process
49:53 What can you do to help cure human aging? understand the concepts, share this info & invest.
53:40 the FDA is excited about Telocyte’s model.
55:30 Phase 1 human FDA trial costs about $10 million but costs should drop after that.
57:50 It costs Telocyte about $4 million to initially produce the telomerase gene therapy they need to treat their first 12 patients.
58:55 Lets “elephant hunt” to find billionaire investors for Telocyte.
1:01:18 Michael discusses BioViva/Integrated Health Systems & Liz Parrish. My July 10, 2019 interview with BioViva CEO Liz Parrish:
1:02:10 My May 30, 2019 interview with Sierra Sciences CEO Dr. Bill Andrews:
1:09:45 ethics and risks of telomerase gene therapy.
1:11:15 Unnatural selection on Netflix
1:14:30 Is reality a simulation?
1:18:10 The mind is like a parachute. It only works if it’s open. Data trumps everything always.
1:19:50 telomerase activator pills
1:24:30 Dr. Greg Fahy
1:28:40 &
1:32:40 My July 17, 2019 interview with Dr. Aubrey de Grey
1:38:34 Dr. Michael West
1:41:10 Inject snake venom for anti-aging?
1:45:15 Bill Haast
1:45:50 My October 6, 2019 interview of Dr. Duncan Ross about Kimera exosomes:
1:46:15 Brent’s stem cell’s treatment and recovery playlist
1:51:52 Dr. Maria Blasco
1:52:45 Michael almost got $1 billion for a non-profit translational research for telomerase gene therapy from a wealthy couple in California in 1999.
1:55:45 Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn
1:57:57 Dr. Elissa Epel
2:00:09 Dr. Calvin Harley
2:02:20 Radical honesty and compassion
2:06:25 I recommend the book: Sapiens by Dr. Yuval Noah Harari
2:11:15 Michael’s fascinating experiences.
2:26:30 telomerase gene therapy economies of scale.
2:35:10 Dr. Peter Attia
2:36:50 Peter Rayson, CEO Telocyte. Curing human aging is a systems approach.
2:39:43 Forever Labs 1 year free cryogenic storage discount code ($250 value): BN801
2:42:10 Dave Asprey — lack of funding for Telocyte is holding back the potential cure for Alzheimer’s.
2:44:30 Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
2:49:08 health advice
2:56:38 Viome for microbiome
3:01:04 the best current way to measure someone’s age is guessing based off how they look and behave.
3:04:51 transhumanism and ignosticism
3:08:23 Stay curious to continue learning.
3:16:28 “What important truth do very few people agree with you on?”
3:23:30 be considerate

- Intro music by: SoundSage
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We stand at the dawn of the space age, a time when we can see the very, very beginning of exploring the vastness of the unknown.

The live-streamed launch of a space rocket is the new entertainment for the revolutionary generation, the millennials who think they can really change the world.

Empowered by the digital revolution and even the crypto revolution, astute many of them and some of them actual geniuses, a new era is at inception where kids play almost at the same level as vast governments.


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MY BITCOIN: 19WnEPwjRHnnfiDpVFUni1A2Amqvxy4gud

Contact email: [email protected]

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China’s cryptocurrency and blockchain appreciation continue as Xinhua, another state-run media organization publishes a full article about bitcoin. Some commentators opine that the flurry of positive digital currency sentiments in the country is part of Beijing’s efforts to normalize the industry before introducing the proposed digital RMB.

Despite these positive signs, trading and initial coin offerings (ICOs) remain banned. However, there appears to be a movement towards nationalizing the Chinese crypto space. Such a move might prompt a response from state actors in the West to adopt more crypto-friendly policies or risk losing out to China in the race for control of the emerging digital landscape.

Stadelmann said that Komodo is similar to Ethereum but it is 100% independent, free and open-sourced platform.

“As the world is getting digitised, it is all based on binary digits. Binary digits can have either 1 (on) or 0 (off). We don’t speak of bits anymore but quantum qubits or quantum bits, which can be in both 1 and 0 states at the same time. This qubit can attain so many states at the same time and they are also able to process calculations at a much faster rate than classical computers,” he said.

As a blockchain platform, Stadelmann said that Komodo is trying to solve the problem and has implemented quantum-safe cryptographic solutions for the past couple of years which will not be able to crack cryptographic signatures.

“What foundational values need to be in place for an ethical utilitronium shockwave?”

What foundational values need to be in place for an ethical utilitronium shockwave?
We discuss:
- (following on from a previous video) more on Nozick’s experience machines (see
- given that in each age there has been different conceptions of utopia, what would utopia be for a post-human superintelligence?
- classical utilitarian vs negative utilitarian approaches to the long term good of life in the universe.
- whether a perfect decision theory would be equal to negative utilitarianism.
- how much attention should we give to preferences in improving well-being beyond eliminating suffering?
- if one does believe in the objectivity of value should we be concerned about being damned in a local maximum of well-being?
- what is God’s utility function? #ethics #utilitarianism #futurology

Filmed inside the Melbourne Museum in Victoria, Australia.

David Pearce is interested in the use of biotechnology to abolish suffering throughout the living world:

Many thanks for watching!

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Kind regards.
Adam Ford
- Science, Technology & the Future.

David Pearce — The Anatomy of Happiness

“While researching epilepsy, neuroscientist Itzhak Fried stumbled on a ‘mirth’ center in the brain — given this, what ought we be doing to combat extreme suffering and promote wellbeing?”

David Pearce — The Anatomy of Happiness… While researching epilepsy, neuroscientist Itzhak Fried stumbled on a ‘mirth’ center in the brain — given this, what ought we be doing to combat extreme suffering and promote wellbeing?

If one finds oneself viscerally hostile to the idea of universal happiness, and if by contemporary standards one falls within the statistically normal range in one’s emotional repertoire, then just how seriously should one contemplate the following possibility? Today we are the victims of what our successors will reckon an atavistic mood disorder. This disorder infects all our thoughts as well as all our feelings and volitions. It is a historical condition no less epistemically defective than are dream-psychoses from the perspective of the waking state.

Is the worry one might be locked in such an affective psychosis just the product of idle scepticism? Given the cognitive inaccessibility of most of the generically ecstatic states alluded to here, perhaps one wouldn’t know if one were so afflicted. After all, damaged and disfigured minds may have limited self-insight. Nor would one necessarily have the conceptual resources even to grasp what was at stake if one suffered from such a neural deficit. Pure, “unearned”, genetically-driven bliss of even the mildest flavour detracted from the inclusive fitness of one’s genes in the ancestral environment. Constitutionally happy freaks-of-nature got eaten or outbred. Hence unipolar euphoric mania today is vanishingly rare; unipolar melancholic depression and chronic dysthymia are all too common. Is one’s potential unease, if not revulsion, at the prospect of paradise-on-earth an incidental cultural by-product of natural selection? Or has selection pressure ensured that one is genetically predisposed to be biased against the idea of enduring bliss in the first instance?

#EffectiveAltruism #Happiness #Suffering @webmasterdave

Many thanks for watching!

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