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Creative technology studio playtronica has found a way of making music with pretty much anything including vegetables. their electronic devices transform touch into midi notes making anything into a midi controller including one that turns the human body into a keyboard. how it works is by effectively creating a circuit between the device and human body or the fruit. it’s then connected to a computer so when you touch the instrument the circuit is closed, and a specified sound is played. the tools are designed to work with organic materials and mostly anything that has water inside.

Researchers from the Francis Crick Institute (FCI) and University College London (UCL) have rebuilt a human thymus, an essential organ of the immune system, using human stem cells and a bioengineered scaffold. Their work is an important step towards being able to grow artificial thymi for use as transplants.

The thymus – located in the upper front part of the chest, behind the sternum – is a lymphoid organ where T cells mature. These play a vital role in the body’s immune system. If the thymus does not work properly or does not form during foetal development in the womb, it can result in severe immunodeficiency and other conditions where the body cannot fight infectious diseases or cancerous cells, or autoimmunity, where the immune system mistakenly attacks the patient’s own healthy tissue.

In their proof-of-concept study, published in Nature Communications, the scientists rebuilt thymi using stem cells taken from patients who had to have the organ removed during surgery. When transplanted into mice, the bioengineered thymi were able to support the development of mature and functional human T cells.

Might want to dig deeper.

Unraveling the links among obesity, aging, telomere lengths and metabolic diseases is the subject of the study published today in Nature Metabolism by a collaborative research team at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth).

Telomeres act as protective caps at the end of chromosomes to prevent them from replication errors during cell divisions. Every time a chromosome replicates itself, telomeres shorten. When the telomeres become too short, the cell can no longer replicate its chromosomes safely and becomes arrested, or senescent. That shortening has been linked to the and development of degenerative diseases.

“Recent studies have also shown the connection between obesity-induced , such as Type 2 diabetes, and the accumulation of senescent cells, which entered the state of irreversible proliferation arrest,” said lead author Mikhail Kolonin, Ph.D., professor and Harry E. Bovay, Jr. Distinguished University Chair in Metabolic Disease Research with McGovern Medical School at UTHealth. “Cell senescence can be caused by telomere shortening due to excessive stem .”

In this important conversation on health, David Gornoski sits down with Jim O’Neill, CEO of the SENS Research Foundation and former managing director of Thiel Capital. How do we effectively fight viruses such as COVID-19? O’Neill brings attention to the urgency of strengthening our immune systems. Why should we look into anti-aging? Anti-aging research, O’Neill says, looks into the possibility of targeting senescent cells where many diseases take hold. How soon can we see the results of this research? Given our societal norms, is overcoming death through scientific means something that we should look into? How does Christian teaching relate to the idea of overcoming death in time and space?

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I think I want non-gene hacked pigs for my supper. 😃

For the second time ever, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a gene-hacked animal for human consumption.

In this case, it’s the GalSafe pig, CNN reports, a genetically modified swine that’s safe even for people with allergies to eat. All in all, it’s a fresh sign that genetically-altered animals and sophisticated gene-hacking technology are now becoming commercially viable and entering the mainstream.

“Today’s first ever approval of an animal biotechnology product for both food and as a potential source for biomedical use represents a tremendous milestone for scientific innovation,” FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn said in a press release.

The United States generates seven million tons of sewage sludge annually, enough to fill 2, 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools. While a portion of this waste is repurposed for manure and other land applications, a substantial amount is still disposed of in landfills. In a new study, Texas A&M University researchers have uncovered an efficient way to use leftover sludge to make biodegradable plastics.

In the September issue of the journal American Chemical Society (ACS) Omega, the researchers report that the bacterium Zobellella denitrificans ZD1, found in mangroves, can consume sludge and wastewater to produce polyhydroxybutyrate, a type of biopolymer that can be used in lieu of petroleum-based plastics. In addition to reducing the burden on landfills and the environment, the researchers said Zobellella denitrificans ZD1 offers a way to cut down upstream costs for bioplastics manufacturing, a step toward making them more competitively priced against regular plastics.

“The price of raw materials to cultivate biopolymer-producing bacteria accounts for 25–45% of the total production cost of manufacturing bioplastics. Certainly, this cost can be greatly reduced if we can tap into an alternate resource that is cheaper and readily obtainable,” said Kung-Hui (Bella) Chu, professor in the Zachry Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. “We have demonstrated a potential way to use municipal wastewater-activated sludge and agri-and aqua-culture industrial wastewater to make biodegradable plastics. Furthermore, the does not require elaborate sterilization processes to prevent contamination from other microbes, further cutting down operating and production costs of bioplastics.”

Here’s my latest video about arguably the most debated biomarker, LDL!

LDL is arguably the most debated biomarker in terms of what’s optimal for health. In the video, I present data showing that 100 — 140, not 50 — 70 mg/dL may be optimal in terms of minimizing disease risk and maximizing longevity.

Although a single cataclysmic event gained most attention this year — the COVID pandemic — there were many other newsworthy developments in science and research, from daring space missions to room-temperature superconductors.

Mars missions, record‑breaking wildfires and a room‑temperature superconductor are among this year’s top non‑COVID stories.