#ProjectDebater –Speech by Crowd is an experimental #AI platform that uses your arguments to create pro and con narratives on topics of debate.
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4 Comments so far
this doesn’t sound like we’re building a rational A.I. — but an incrowder politician A.I. It’s just gong to take the opinions of people and side with thew popular ones, and not the correct ones.
this doesn’t sound like we’re building a rational A.I. — but an incrowder politician A.I. It’s just gong to take the opinions of people and side with thew popular ones, and not the correct ones.
I hear project Debater has emotional A.I. integrated!
I think with emotional A.I. integration, we can make objective rational A.I. debater technology!
you only get to share your thoughts on quesitons they pose; you don’t get to bring up issues they appear to not think of.