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How Not To Think, Correctly! (Excerpt from the White Swan book) By Andres Agostini at

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How Not To Think, Correctly! (Excerpt from the White Swan book) By Andres Agostini at

0 brainy

1.- Ignorant Thinking

2.- Sloppy, emotional Thinking

3.- Fashionable Thinking

4.- Within-style Thinking

5.- Ideal-based rational.

6.- Instant-gratification thought process.

7.- Non-Gestalt Thinking.

8.- Lumpen Thinking. (Lumpen is a nice word, extremely manipulated by Commies. Ergo, anything stemming from Commies I reject).

9.- Non-Crowd-Wisdom Thinking. (No one played Albert’s violin and theories, nor Amadeus’ piano, nor Howard’s gigantic wooden aquatic-airplane or communication’s satellites, nor Newton’s unpublished prophecies, but them, and them alone, in in-companionship-ed solitude).

10.- Clustered Thinking.

11.- Silo Thinking.

12.- Charter Thinking.

13.- Standard Thinking.

14.- Informal Thinking.

15.- Undocumented Thinking.

16.- Laggards’ Thinking.

17.- Bohemian Thinking.

18.- Hippie Thinking.

19.- “…Keep It Simple, Stupid…” (K.I.S.S.) Thinking.

20.- Short-term Thinking.

21.- Linear Thinking.

22.- Extra-Mile Thinking (We need several Extra-Leagues Thinking. A league is 3 miles or 4.8 kilometers).

23.- Single-mindedness Thinking (Against in-series thinking).

24.- Un-Orchestrated Thinking.

25.- Fragmented, Fragmentary Thinking.

26.- Futilitifulness Thinking. (Futilitifulness is the quality of conforming to maximum futility).

27.- Démodé Thinking.

28.- Typical Thinking.

29.- Passé Thinking.

30.- Within-Range Thinking.

31.- Chaku-Chaku Thinking.

32.- Spaghetti-like Thinking.

33.- Episodic Thinking.

34.- Management-fads Thinking.

35.- Leadership-focused Thinking.

36.- Popular Thinking.

37.- Crowded Thinking.

38.- Out-loud-Brainstoriming Thinking.

39.- Jumping-to-Conclusions Thinking.

40.- In-absentia Thinking.

41.- Misery-Likes-Company Thinking.

42.- Watercooler-Conversations Thinking.

43.- Subjective Thinking.

44.- Fictitious Thinking.

45.- Departing-from-Rationality Thinking

46.- Feeding-Frenzies Thinking.

47.- Tentative Thinking.

48.- Pointless Thinking.

49.- Out-of-the-point Thinking.

50.- Straight-backward Thinking.

51.- Glucose-depletion Thinking.

52.- Syllogistic Thinking.

53.- Slothful Thinking.

54.- Sketchy Thinking.

55.- Un-constellated Thinking.

56.- Associatively-Incoherent Thinking.

57.- Dissociatively-Coherent Thinking.

58.- Attenuated Thinking.

59.- Un-primed Thinking.

60.- Unobtrusive Thinking.

61.- Unfreely-Willed Thinking

62.- Unprovocative Thinking.

63.- Anti-Statistical Thinking.

64.- Mental-Economy Thinking.

65.- Uncritical Thinking.

66.- Premonitory Thinking.

67.- Spurious Thinking.

68.- Cumbersome Thinking.

69.- “Background-less Material” Thinking.

70.- “One-Sided Evidence” Thinking.

71.- Missing-Evidence Thinking.

72.- In-confident Thinking.

73.- Information-Poor Thinking.

74.- Laborious-less Thinking.

75.- Evildoing Thinking.

76.- Superfluous Thinking.

77.- Dumbfounded Thinking.

78.- Reasoned Thinking.

79.- On-The-Shelf Thinking.

80.- Pathetic Thinking.

81.- In-Dire-Straits Thinking.

82.- Perceptual-less Thinking.

83.- Negligible Thinking.

84.- Infinitesimal Thinking.

85.- Decoherence-Seeking Thinking.

86.- Inept Thinking.

87.- Wobblier Thinking.

88.- Sampling-Luck Thinking.

89.- Discredited Thinking.

90.- Untrained-Eye Thinking.

91.- Anchoring-Effect Thinking.

92.-Exasperated Thinking.

93.- Pharaohnic Thinking.

94.- Populist Thinking.

95.- Insipid Thinking.

96.- Vulgar Thinking.

97.- Wrongheaded Thinking.

98.- Logical-Inconsistency Thinking.

99.- Demagogue Thinking.

100.- Neophyte Thinking.

101.- Demagogue Thinking.

102.- Authoritarian Thinking.

103.- Ill-prepared Thinking.

104.- Wrongheaded Thinking.

105.- Logical-Inconsistency Thinking.

106.- Earth-Shot Thinking.

107.- Past-oriented Thinking.

108.- Karmic Thinking.

109.- Decrepit Thinking.

110.- Stuck-on-Autopilot Thinking.

111.- Leisurely Thinking.

112.- Broken-Bladed Thinking

113.- Careless Thinking.

114.- Deteriorated Thinking.

115.- “Snail-Like Pace” Thinking.

By Mr. Andres Agostini
Author of the White Swan Book

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