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I was already looking forward to playing this game when it’s released, but after seeing his latest trailer I am positively IMPATIENT to get my hands on it!

No other game (or almost ANY form of media, for that matter!) has ever explored our rapidly approaching, post-human transhumanist future in such a staggeringly detailed, informed, and passionate way!

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I’M driving 550 miles in three days, all by myself, mainly for the fun of it—and I’m not an environmental villain. Behind the wheel of a borrowed bright-red electric Tesla Model S, I click off the miles as I head south from the San Francisco Bay Area on Interstate 5 through California’s San Joaquin Valley, feeling virtuous because my tailpipe spews no pollution.

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UnknownBetween starting a real estate technology company, Hightower, and completing in an Ironman, I’ve had my fair share of feeling in over my head. However, each of these adventures has taught me how to overcome an overwhelming challenge. Here are four humble pieces of advice for all of you crazy enough to do the same.

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“Since robots don’t have responsibility, humans are the ones responsible for what robots do. However, as robots become more prevalent, it will increasingly appear as if they actually have their own autonomy and intentions, for which it will seem they can and should be held responsible.” Read more