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The longer you gaze at this depiction of the hidden architecture of the universe, the more you can’t help but notice how similar it looks to neurons communicating with each other in the human brain.

3D interactive visualization lets users explore the vast, hidden structure of the universe.

By Amanda Montañez on April 14, 2016.

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Lesson in Vitamin D.

Low levels of vitamin D in black teens correlates with low activity of a major mechanism for controlling gene expression that may increase their risk of cancer and other disease, researchers report.

Their study measured vitamin D levels as well as levels of global DNA methylation in 454 healthy individuals age 14–18. In this group, 99 percent of the white teens had adequate vitamin D levels, 66 percent of the black teens were vitamin D-deficient and all the black teens had lower levels of methylation compared to their white peers, said Dr. Haidong Zhu, molecular geneticist at the Georgia Prevention Institute at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University.

When they looked at another group of 58 young black individuals also with low vitamin D and methylation levels who received varying doses of vitamin D supplements for 16 weeks, they found a dose response: the more vitamin D received, the higher the methylation activity, said Zhu, corresponding author of the study in the journal PLOS ONE.

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After today’s news from India about HPV; I did some research online about Cold Sores and HPV possible tie and came across the following article that seems to highlight a possible tie. Granted more research is needed; however, one doctor seems to believe there is a tie.

Sister Mary Ryan thought she had a simple, but painful, canker sore in her mouth that would not heal when she went to her dentist in 1998.

She was surprised to find out it was a cancerous tumor under her tongue, and even more surprised at how quickly it had developed.

Having just been to the dentist that January, she had no idea when she returned for an appointment in May that an oral surgeon would be called in immediately to examine her mouth.

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“HTC is launching a $100 million accelerator program for startups that want to use its VR technology. The program, called Vive X, will launch in Beijing, Taipei, and San Francisco, with the possibility of expanding to more cities over time.”

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BOSTON: In an intriguing approach to the fight against cancer, researchers for the first time have used light to prevent and reverse tumors using a technique called optogenetics to manipulate electrical signaling in cells.

Scientists at Tufts University performed optogenetics experiments on frogs, often used in basic research into cancer because of the biological similarities in their tumors to those in mammals, to test whether this method already used in brain and nervous system research could be applied to cancer.

“We call this whole research program cracking the bioelectric code,” said biologist Michael Levin, who heads the Tufts Center for Regenerative and Developmental Biology.

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Hmmm; I do know for many there is a set of genetic mutations that seem to sit dormat and eventually triggered by environment conditions.

(Reuters Health) — The risk of some childhood cancers might vary depending on where a child’s mother was born, a new study suggests.

For example, some brain and kidney cancers occurred less often in children whose Hispanic mothers were born outside the U.S. than in youngsters whose Hispanic or white mothers were born in the U.S., researchers found.

However, the Hispanic children had a higher risk of certain blood cancers regardless of where their mothers were born.

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University of Leicester. (2016, April 25). Researchers shed light on the role of inositol phosphate molecules in gene regulatory complexes. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 26, 2016 from

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