The northern lowlands and sedimentary regions of Mars are dotted with curious formations. Tens of thousands of conical hills, many topped with small craters, and surrounded by deep channels scoured from the surface by flowing liquid.
The northern lowlands and sedimentary regions of Mars are dotted with curious formations. Tens of thousands of conical hills, many topped with small craters, and surrounded by deep channels scoured from the surface by flowing liquid.
We need an artificial atmosphere not this it can cause radiation for much too long.
The SpaceX CEO is not too concerned about reports that the firm would need a huge amount of missiles.
The reality of COVID19 raises a critical question in the mind of Adam Ethan Loeb a young Belgium boy regarding the extinction of the human person. This questions birthed “Adam’s Dream” which for him will help in “Saving Humanity From Extinction”, by “Availing a Multiplanetary Education for the present and Future Generations“
This 12year old boy highly influenced by Elon Musk and Peter H. Diamandis believes that a multiplanetary existence could have prevented the spread of coronavirus.
This young Space Enthusiast believes that since they are the future of tomorrow, well structure Young Space Education System should be availed because the Future is Faster than we think.
In explaining his vision Adam explained, “Adam’s Dream is my vision about the future with regard to preserving our kind and other living things. This idea struck my mind during this novel coronavirus outbreak. As the spread increases day in and day out, I was scared and asked my mum the question, “mum, do you know that living in space could have saved or preserved humanity better”? My reason is, if we become multiplanetary, it will solve the problem of overpopulation and make the human person more creative and resilient.
Thus, in this project, I will be preparing my generation and the ones to come to become multiplanetary Species. We have many Space Advocates; there is no proper attention giving to the younger generation. The future is obscure for my generation, and I want to lead them to light through the help of those who know better in compliance with “Adam’s Dream” rooted in Saving Humanity from Extinction by Availing a Multiplanetary Education for the present and Future Generations. In this, we can have a Sustainable “Kosmic” Environment for Prosperous Living.
Reading the works of Elon Musk gave me the conviction that as a Multiplanetary Activist, I can do this. Elon started thinking about Space at 14 years; I began at 10years. He is no doubt my number one role model followed by Peter H. Diamandis with my effort in understanding the teachings of Sara Seager – Planetary Scientist, K. Radhakrishnan, Carolyn Porco, Jill Tarter, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Liu Yang, Steve Squyres, Louis Allamandola, and David Spergel. I will have a better approach to harnessing the reality of Multiplanetary for my generation on those to come. The reality of Space is faster than you think.”
You might like this interview I did with futurist writer Nikola Danaylov, who runs the Singularity Weblog and wrote ‘Conversations with the Future: 21 Visions for the 21st century’, on how advances in AI could utterly transform human society and the health of the global transhumanist movement.
I’m trying to grow my futurism YouTube channel (transhumanism, AI, space colonisation etr) so if this is of interest to you I’d be very grateful for any subscribers.…
I interview Nikola Danaylov (@singularityblog), founder of the Singularity Weblog and author of Conversations with the Future: 21 Visions for the 21st Century. We discuss advances in AI, the singularity, whether western political leaders appreciate how fast technology is evolving and the global transhumanist movement.
You can buy Danaylov’s book here:
UCSC researchers developed a deep-learning framework called Morpheus to perform pixel-level morphological classifications of objects in astronomical images.
Researchers at UC Santa Cruz have developed a powerful new computer program called Morpheus that can analyze astronomical image data pixel by pixel to identify and classify all of the galaxies and stars in large data sets from astronomy surveys.
Morpheus is a deep-learning framework that incorporates a variety of artificial intelligence technologies developed for applications such as image and speech recognition. Brant Robertson, a professor of astronomy and astrophysics who leads the Computational Astrophysics Research Group at UC Santa Cruz, said the rapidly increasing size of astronomy data sets has made it essential to automate some of the tasks traditionally done by astronomers.
Skoltech researchers have offered a solution to the problem of searching for materials with required properties among all possible combinations of chemical elements. These combinations are virtually endless, and each has an infinite multitude of possible crystal structures; it is not feasible to test them all and choose the best option (for instance, the hardest compound) either in an experiment or in silico. The computational method developed by Skoltech professor Artem R. Oganov and his PhD student Zahed Allahyari solves this major problem of theoretical materials science. Oganov and Allahyari presented their method in the MendS code (stands for Mendelevian Search) and tested it on superhard and magnetic materials.
“In 2006, we developed an algorithm that can predict the crystal structure of a given fixed combination of chemical elements. Then we increased its predictive powers by teaching it to work without a specific combination — so one calculation would give you all stable compounds of given elements and their respective crystal structures. The new method tackles a much more ambitious task: here, we pick neither a precise compound nor even specific chemical elements — rather, we search through all possible combinations of all chemical elements, taking into account all possible crystal structures, and find those that have the needed properties (e.g., highest hardness or highest magnetization)” says Artem Oganov, Skoltech and MIPT professor, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a member of Academia Europaea.
The researchers first figured out that it was possible to build an abstract chemical space so that compounds that would be close to each other in this space would have similar properties. Thus, all materials with peculiar properties (for example, superhard materials) will be clustered in certain areas, and evolutionary algorithms will be particularly effective for finding the best material. The Mendelevian Search algorithm runs through a double evolutionary search: for each point in the chemical space, it looks for the best crystal structure, and at the same time these found compounds compete against each other, mate and mutate in a natural selection of the best one.
How do you fold up the largest, most complex space science telescope ever built and fit it inside a rocket for launch? With testing and practice.
For the first time, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope was successfully folded and stowed into the same configuration it’ll have for liftoff:
This week:
👨🚀 Counting down to the return of human spaceflight from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center 🚀 A successful International Space Station resupply mission 🌒 A new virtual tool to help develop lunar landers for #Artemis missions.