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Last week, NASA announced the awardees for an ongoing effort to foster commercial activity in space. This effort allows 13 companies to study the future of commercial human spaceflight in low-Earth orbit, including long-term opportunities for the International Space Station.

I’m pleased to share that NanoRacks is one of these awardees.

This study is not only a big step for NanoRacks, but a big step for the commercial space ecosystem. Today, we are the largest commercial user of the International Space Station and are proud of the impact we’ve made to help foster this ecosystem and bring customers from all over the world into to orbit. This study will allow us to take our vision to the next step and detail the viability for habitable and automated platforms for low-Earth orbit.

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Computing innovation, computer-generated images, Virtual Reality Glasses, Hybrid Reality, communications, Holographic platform, AR, VR, PC, lifelike experience, 3D cameras, cosmic computing, computer security, gaming displays, in-flight entertainment, computer code, Holographic ideal/paradigm, gaming mechanics, automotive, medical, space, spatial, holographic memory, Artificial Neural Networks, Robotics, holographic 3D, software company, mixed-realty, holographic data, hologram monitors, hologram keyboards, voice equipment, projector system, Holographic apps, HD photography, smartphones, tablets, TVs, laptops, digital displays, 360 Video, Virtual Realty Headsets, Mobile Platforms, holographic universe, ubiquitous computing paradigm, virtual images, Holoquad, Holographic Projector Pyramid, cloud computing, spaceships, teleportation, anti-gravity devices, emulation, advanced technology, light field displays, Mobile Hologram Technology, computer programs, untethered, Immersive Technology, Computer Chips, Elohim computer, custom software, mobile application development, computing library, human-computer interactions, Artificial Neural Networks, holographic memory, Spider-Robots, pop-up gaming displays, automate machinery, computer-generated simulation, 3D Pyramid, consumer electronics, personal computers, holographic images, real-world objects, hardware interconnection, missionary, virtual assistant, Computer Systems Structure, two-dimensional computer display, computerization, Projection Screen, Portable, 3D printer, Hologram goggles, 3D Holographic Projection Technology, Hologram Computer Table, hologram generator, multilevel computer, mixed reality, Bluetooth enabled, Virtual Reality Display, transparent screen display, quantum computer, computer animation, 3D plasma display, meta surface, Dark Energy, holographic interferograms, photorefractive, Holographic atomic memory, computer-generated hologram, real-time hologram, x-ray mirror mandrels, virtual wavefront recording plane, Artificial intelligence, AI, Human Resources, Advertising, Animation, Graphic Web Design, Photography, Robotics, computer science, human-robot interaction, Emergency Medical Hologram, wearable computing, bio-computing, battlefield simulations, Holographic Associative Memory, artificial neural network, Digital Avatar.

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“We are not going to fly until we are ready to fly safely,” said SpaceX Chief Operating Officer Gwynne Shotwell at the event Monday. “We need to hit all the boxes and do everything we need to do to take astronauts from U.S. soil as often as NASA will let us.“After SpaceX successfully completes Demo-2, NASA will certify the spacecraft and systems for regular crewed launches to the ISS, with astronauts Mike Hopkins and Victor Glover flying the first operational mission.

Even with all the safety precautions and testing, however, the astronauts remain aware that space flight is extremely hazardous.“The only thing I’m afraid of,” said Glover, who is married and has four daughters, “is not coming home to my family.”

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A new, super-insulating gel developed by researchers at CU Boulder could dramatically increase the energy efficiency of skyscrapers and other buildings, and might one day help scientists build greenhouse-like habitats for colonists on Mars.

The “aerogel,” which looks like a flattened plastic contact lens, is so resistant to heat that you could put a strip of it on your hand and a fire on top without feeling a thing. But unlike similar products on the market, the material is mostly see-through.

“Transparency is an enabling feature because you can use this gel in windows, and you could use it in extraterrestrial habitats,” said Ivan Smalyukh, a professor in the Department of Physics. “You could harvest sunlight through that thermally-insulating material and store the energy inside, protecting yourself from those big oscillations in temperature that you have on Mars or on the moon.”

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Our #ParkerSolarProbe spacecraft lifted off at 3:31 a.m. EDT aboard a United Launch Alliance #DeltaIV Heavy rocket for its journey to our closest star. Throughout its seven-year mission, our the spacecraft will swoop through the Sun’s atmosphere 24 times, getting closer than any spacecraft has gone before. Details:…/nasa-ula-launch-parker-solar-probe-o…

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The fascinating space adventures of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are essential viewing for anyone seeking to understand the future of business and industry here on Earth.

Rockets and space are increasingly important to Africa, where more countries have been partnering to launch or are launching their own satellites. Still, discussions here remain more prosaic than determining how soon we’ll be colonizing Mars or sending industrial operations to the moon.

The satellites launched by the likes of SpaceX are smaller than ever before. Powerful nano-satellites, the size of soccer balls, are able to deliver detailed imagery and information about a chosen territory from space. These advances in technology and cheaper launch vehicles mean more developing countries can use satellites to collect troves of valuable data.

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Look up into the night sky towards the end of October and you may catch sight of a brand new ‘star’ twinkling in the cosmos.

The tiny speck of light is not the offspring of a seething nebula, but the world’s first space sculpture, which will orbit the Earth for three weeks this autumn.

The length of a football field, and the shape of an elongated diamond, the ‘Orbital Reflector’ artwork is the brainchild of US artist Trevor Paglen and will be launched on board on one of Elon Musk’s SpaceX Falcon 9 rockets.

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Camden County, Ga., played a bit part in aerospace history as home to a 1960s plant that built and tested NASA rocket motors. Now, county leaders want to revive that heritage with a new commercial spaceport.

“We can be part of the new space race in the 21st Century,” said Steve Howard, project leader and the Camden County administrator.

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