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Ray Kurzweil:

Raymond “Ray” Kurzweil is an American author, computer scientist, inventor and futurist. Aside from futurology, he is involved in fields such as optical character recognition (OCR), text-to-speech synthesis, speech recognition technology, and electronic keyboard instruments. He has written books on health, artificial intelligence (AI), transhumanism, the technological singularity, and futurism. Kurzweil is a public advocate for the futurist and transhumanist movements, and gives public talks to share his optimistic outlook on life extension technologies and the future of nanotechnology, robotics, and biotechnology.

Kurzweil admits that he cared little for his health until age 35, when he was found to suffer from a glucose intolerance, an early form of type II diabetes (a major risk factor for heart disease). Kurzweil then found a doctor (Terry Grossman, M.D.) who shares his non-conventional beliefs to develop an extreme regimen involving hundreds of pills, chemical intravenous treatments, red wine, and various other methods to attempt to live longer. Kurzweil was ingesting “250 supplements, eight to 10 glasses of alkaline water and 10 cups of green tea” every day and drinking several glasses of red wine a week in an effort to “reprogram” his biochemistry. Lately, he has cut down the number of supplement pills to 150.


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Emerging technologies are shaking up how we grow food, distribute it, and even what we’re eating. We are seemingly on the cusp of a food revolution and undoubtedly, technologies including artificial intelligence will play a huge role in helping people grow healthier, more resilient food faster and with less energy than ever before.

Rob Nail, Singularity University’s CEO and Associate Founder, provides a few examples of how robotics, automation, and drones are transforming agriculture in this short video:

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This is the energy source that will power the Singularity.

And everything else, too.

For more than 60 years, scientists have dreamed of a clean, inexhaustible energy source in the form of nuclear fusion.

And they’re still dreaming.

But thanks to the efforts of the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, experts hope that might soon change.

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Ray Kurzweil’s singularity of human superintelligence is a polar opposite of the singularity described by Vinge, Hawking, and Bostrom:

“The singularity will be a merger of our bodies and minds with our technology. The world will still be human, but transcend our biological roots. There will be no distinction between human and machine, nor between physical and virtual reality.”

Dear readers,

This month celebrates the 10 year anniversary of the classic book The Singularity Is Near, written by Ray Kurzweil, published in September 2005.

In the decade since its publication, we’ve witnessed an explosion of breakthroughs in genetic engineering, medical regeneration of the human body, autonomous robotics, computing power, and renewable energy. Advanced sensor arrays and internet meshes are uniting all people and things within the interconnected environments we live in, and with each other. Today’s massively scaled, crowd-sourced knowledge, innovation, and shared human experience are driving this momentum. The future is now.

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Moore’s Law is, and shall be for a very long time, the law of the land.
Singularity: +1, Luddites: Who cares, they don’t use computers.

Schematic of a set of molybdenum (M0) end-contacted nanotube transistors (credit: Qing Cao et al./Science)

IBM Research has announced a “major engineering breakthrough” that could lead to carbon nanotubes replacing silicon transistors in future computing technologies.

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Next January Stephen Hawking will be 74 years old. He has lived much longer than most individuals with his debilitating condition. In addition to being an unquestionably gifted cosmologist, he has invited controversy by supporting the pro-Palestinian, Israel-BDS boycott and warning about the dangers of alien invaders who tap into our interstellar greetings

Antisemitism, notwithstanding, this man is a mental giant. He is Leonardo. He is Einstein. Like them, his discoveries and theories will echo for generations beyond his life on earth. He is that genius.

Forty years ago, when Stephen Hawking still had mobility, he delivered a paper on a mystery regarding information-loss for entities that cross the event boundary of a black hole.

In the mid 1970s, Astronomers were just discovering black holes and tossing about various theories about the event horizon and its effect on the surrounding space-time. Many individuals still considered black holes to be theoretical. Hawking’s analysis of the information paradox seemed extremely esoteric. Yet, last month (Aug 2015) , at Sweeden’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Hawking presented a possible solution to the paradox that he sparked.

I can barely understand the issue and cannot articulately rephrase the problem. But my interest in the black hole event horizon takes a back seat to my interest in the amazing tool created to compensate for the famous cosmologist’s handicap. Watch closely as Stephen Hawking offers a new theory that provides a possible explanation for the paradox.

Near the end of the video (beginning at 7:22), the camera begins a steady zoom up to Hawking’s face. Unlike a year ago, when he could still smile at a joke or move his eyes, he now appears completely motionless. Throughout his speech, there is no sense of animation—not even a twitch—with or without purpose. His eyebrow doesn’t move, his fingers are not restless, he doesn’t blink anymore.


So, how, then, does Hawking speak with normal cadence and just a short delay between sentences? (If we assume that his computer adds emphasis without additional effort, I estimate that his ASCII communications rate is roughly equivalent to a 1200-baud modem, circa 1980). Yet, clearly, there must be a muscular conduit between thought and speech. How is it that his thoughts are converted to speech at almost the same rate as someone who is not paralyzed?

That magic is enabled by a tiny camera that monitors a slowly deteriorating cheek muscle. It is Hawking’s last connection to the outside world. What began as index cards with words and then an Apple II computer, has evolved into a sophisticated upgrade process involving cutting edge analysis of the professor’s slightest tick combined with sophisticated computing algorithms. The camera and software that interprets this microscopic Morse code is tied to a process that optimizes options for successive words and phrases. He is actually communicating at far less than 1200 baud, because—like a court stenographer—he employs shorthand and Huffman encoding to compress words and phrases into his twitch pipeline. Drawing on a powerful processor and connected to the Web, his gear is constantly upgraded by a specialized Intel design team. StenographerThey are engaged in a race to offer Hawking the potential for communication up until he has no capacity for interaction at all.

In a recent documentary by Hawking himself,* he laments the likely day when he will no longer have any capacity for output at all. No ability to discuss physics and cosmology; no way to say “I need help” or “I love you”; no way to show any sign of cognition. At that time, he reflects, the outside world will no longer be certain that there is anything going on behind his blank stare. They will never really know when or if he wants them to pull the plug. Even more mind boggling, humanity will never know what secrets his brilliant mind has unlocked to mysteries of the cosmos.

* Referring to his 2013 autobiographical film and not the 2014 feature film about his life, Theory of Everything.

Philip Raymond is CEO and Co-Chair of CRYPSA,
The Cryptocurrency Standards Association.

The dimensionless aspect, since it has no dimensions, is outside of space and time. This is the key aspect to existence: an aspect outside of space and time perpetually interacting dialectically with an aspect inside space and time. All of the weird and wonderful phenomena of the universe are the products of this ultimate dichotomy.

Does this sound crazy? Then consider the evidence provided by black holes.

The R = 0 Universe.

Black holes are objects where gravity is so strong that light itself cannot escape the gravitational pull. They are the most mysterious objects in the universe and hold the key to the nature of reality. They open the door to understanding the fundamental composition of the universe.

Their hypothetical existence was first predicted in Einstein’s famous theory of General Relativity, but Einstein himself believed it was impossible for them to become real objects in the universe. The reason for that is that they exhibit a feature that physics cannot cope with or comprehend.

Einstein’s equations contain a term that involves dividing the mass of the black hole by the distance “r” from the black hole. The question is what happens when r=0? Division by zero gives a result of infinity. To physicists, it is impossible for infinity to appear in the real world, so they consider r = 0 to be the point at which physics breaks down. At r = 0, the centre of a black hole, gravity is infinite and time itself stops: all of the mass of the black hole is contained within an infinitely small point where the concept of space no longer makes any sense. The point takes up precisely no space at all. Since this point is outside space and time, it is dimensionless. The physical universe collapses into an ineffable twilight state at this point. This apparently impossible object of infinite density and infinite gravity is known as the singularity. No predictions can be made about it, or about what might emerge from it. At the singularity, physicists’ understanding of nature fails completely. Therefore, they believe that there is a fatal flaw in the formulation of Einstein’s theory of general relativity, despite its immense success.

The one thing no physicist has ever contemplated is this: there is no flaw whatsoever. The reason why physics seems to disintegrate at r = 0 is for the extremely simple reason that r = 0 is not in the physical universe. It is in the mental universe, the universe of mind, as we have described in the previous section.

Physicists, so blindly and irrationally wedded to materialism, have never taken their own equations to their logical conclusion. What their equations actually point to at the limit of r = 0 is a different aspect of existence — mental rather physical, dimensionless rather than dimensional, outside of space and time. Rather than face up to that, physicists would prefer to futilely search for a new theory. But they have nowhere else to go. They will always run up against exactly the same problem: that the universe of dimensions, of space and time, coexists with another universe of no dimensions, outside space and time. Reality can never be comprehended if either aspect is ignored.

To talk of “two universes” is convenient but technically incorrect. The true nature of existence is that it has two aspects coexisting in a single continuum. The r = 0 (dimensionless, mental) universe and the r 0 (dimensional, physical) universe are both part of a single universe r = 0 (r greater than or equal to zero).

If you want an equation for everything, you could choose r = 0 because that encapsulates the true dual nature of reality; physical and mental.

There is a black hole at the centre of every galaxy. At the centre of ours is one that is four million times more massive than our sun. Such black holes are called supermassive. They are essential for galaxy formation, and hence for life itself.

Black holes shape the evolution of the universe. They are everywhere in the universe, millions upon millions of them, and in every place where they occur Einstein’s equations catastrophically break down (as far as physicists are concerned).

Black holes are real objects in outer space that lie beyond current scientific understanding. A new theory beyond Einstein is required. It already exists — it is that of the Illuminati. It is that of the r = 0 universe, the “within” of things, the inner aspect, the dimensionless reality that science chooses to ignore even though their equations point directly to it.


Einstein’s General Relativity is one of the two most successful scientific theories of all time, the other being Quantum Mechanics. General Relativity provides a stunningly accurate account of how gravity dictates the motions of planets, stars and galaxies (the universe of the very large), but it cannot describe the universe of the very small (atoms and subatomic particles), from which all the planets, stars and galaxies are constructed. Here, the effects of gravity on these hypersmall, hyperlight entities are negligible.

Physicists dream of combining these two astonishingly successful theories into one grand unified theory that describes everything from the smallest scale to the largest, from the slowest speeds to the fastest. At the moment, each theory is incomplete as a full description of reality, but a combination might offer completeness.

The two theories meet head-on at one place: black holes. A black hole is a macroscopic entity associated with enormous amounts of mass and gravity, yet the singularity at the centre of the black hole is exactly of the hyper-microscopic scale of the quantum world.

To fully account for what goes on in inside a black hole at the mysterious singularity, quantum mechanics is essential.

When it comes to the quantum world, these are the types of statement that are typically made:

a) The act of observing changes what you see.

b) It is impossible to exactly specify where something is; you can only state where it is likely to be.

c) Anything that is possible, no matter how improbable, happens all the time and gives rise to measurable phenomena. A good example is the phenomenon of quantum tunnelling whereby if you place a particle in a box and lock the box, there is a tiny but finite chance that you will subsequently find the particle outside the box i.e. it has apparently tunnelled its way through a solid object. In the case of the particles being electrons, you can find electrical phenomena occurring in seemingly impossible places.

d) Particles can literally be in many different places at the same time.

Our whole common sense view of the world vanishes at the quantum level. All of our most treasured notions of how things behave change beyond recognition.

Quantum mechanics is routinely described as the best idea in physics. It has furnished the most successful predictions ever made by any theory. Everything is ultimately composed of quantum particles, and quantum mechanics comes closer than anything else to describing the true nature of reality. But it doesn’t incorporate gravity, the universal force that holds everything together. Without gravity, the sun would explode and the earth would disintegrate. Gravity is the universal binding force. It is caused, according to General Relativity, by the bending of space and time by massive objects. The effect of gravity on quantum-scale particles is usually negligible, but when it comes to black holes we are dealing with quantum-scale particles (singularities) and the most enormous gravitational effects conceivable. The singularity that exists at the centre of a black hole is both infinitesimally small and astronomically massive. Hence black holes are the key to understanding the universe, for combining general relativity and quantum mechanics.

Physicists now want to extend quantum mechanics by introducing gravitational effects. This new theory is referred to as “quantum gravity”. In effect, it is a quantum version of Einstein’s general relativity. The problem is that the two theories have proved incompatible. They simply don’t talk to each other. Whereas black holes generate an infinity caused by division by zero, in quantum gravity an infinity of infinities is generated i.e. the problem becomes infinitely worse.

The only entity comparable to black holes is the singularity that gave birth to the Big Bang itself. Here, too, scientific understanding collapses.

The Big Bang is conceived of as a dimensionless point in nothingness from which the whole of the observable physical, dimensional universe of time and space miraculously emerged some 14 billion years ago. To get an idea of how much matter has emerged from “nothing” consider that the sun is a million times more massive than the earth. Our galaxy has a million million stars like our sun. The observable universe has a million million galaxies like ours. All of this material, together with vast numbers of black holes and “dark matter” all, supposedly, came from absolutely nothing. All of it spewed out of the primordial singularity, a dimensionless point that gave birth to the biggest explosion of all time. It was the event, so we are told, that created space and time themselves, and some physicists contend that it is absurd to speculate about space and time before then because they did not exist.

So we are all the progeny of the mother of all singularities. We all came out of a dimensionless point. We are the children of nothingness, the products of nothing. Or so says science.

If science can solve the mysteries of the black hole by understanding the complete nature of a singularity then it should also be able to answer the question of how the universe began and where we all came from. And perhaps the other “big” question can be answered — what was there before the universe existed?

There are two numbers that have proved an insurmountable problem to science, two numbers that provide the limits of existence: zero and infinity. Infinity is a number without limit, while zero is an anti-number that doesn’t count anything (for example we can point to three apples, but not to zero apples). Zero and infinity are two of the most obscure topics in mathematics and, because of their mysterious nature, both arrived on the scene much later than ordinary numbers such as 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. It wasn’t until Georg Cantor’s work of the late nineteenth century that infinity became a respectable subject of study. Moreover, zero is simply the inverse of infinity, and vice versa: 1 divided by infinity = 0, and 1 divided by zero = infinity. Science will never be complete until it is able to fully incorporate zero and infinity.

Science is the theory that only Descartes’ “extended” substance exists i.e. things must have dimensions before they can be “real”. Illumination is the doctrine that “things” without dimensions are as real as those with dimensions. To express it mathematically, r = 0 is as real as r 0. Science has no legitimate basis for excluding r = 0, and, indeed, r = 0 appears right at the heart of science, right at the centre of the Genesis Singularity, the Big Bang itself. Science says the Big Bang arose out of nothingness (an impossible and non-existent state) while Illumination teaches that the physical universe of dimensions (r 0) emerged not from “nowhere and nothing” but from the mental, dimensionless universe (r = 0). Something did not come from nothing but from a different aspect of something: matter from mind, dimensions from non-dimensions. Equally, dimensional matter can be transformed into dimensionless mind, and this is the process that take place at a black hole singularity where r = 0. Which paradigm is the more logical and consistent? Which does not require something to spontaneously arise from nothing?

Scientists have never asked themselves the most basic question of all: why should dimensional entities (r 0) be privileged over non-dimensional entities (r = 0)? What is the sufficient reason for existence to exclude dimensionless entities and be wholly based on dimensional entities? There is no such reason. It is blind, irrational prejudice that causes scientists to ignore the r = 0 universe. They suffer from “group think”.

Any scientist who dared to suggest that the r = 0 dimensionless aspect of existence was as real as the r 0 dimensional aspect would be ridiculed by his peers. This is the terrible danger of institutionalized thinking. It breeds fear; it prevents the most radical ideas from being contemplated, unless such ideas conform to the ruling paradigm.

Yet no scientist can provide any legitimate scientific or philosophical reason why dimensionless existence is not every bit as real as dimensional existence and, indeed, the Big Bang singularity itself is a dimensionless entity, as is the singularity at the centre of any black hole. Why don’t scientists face the facts provided by their own most cherished theories?

Dimensionless entities can, do and must exist.


Becoming God (video):

Illumination — Complete Mathematics (video):

An introduction to r = 0:

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