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Will the good bots finish last in the war of bots? Dark bots are definitely not that easily stopped by AI in companies.

The bot era is here, and the world has already begun to see its transformative potential. But like any technology, there will be bad bots as predictably as good ones. With every advancement, there are people looking to exploit it. Anticipating what they might do is key so that builders, developers, and users can prevent, preempt, and prepare.

Here are the “dark bots” we’re likely to see:

The Stealthy Bot

This is a bot whose ownership is unknown, giving it the freedom to cheat with impunity. Trust and verification is essential for security on any platform. On the Web, services like Truste, VeriSign, and others have provided the trust infrastructure needed. For apps, Apple and Google do the same. Credit card issuers and payment platforms do as much for merchants offering paid services. But who will provide the trust infrastructure for bots? Will messaging channels certify bot developers? Each channel has a different approval process now. It will be crucial to arrive at a shared certification process.

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Biometrics using DNA along with other recognition technology brings additional identity protection; however, is it just me or are others understanding the risk with our DNA and other bio info being online given the existing weak infrastructure and under pinning technology. Without a QC secured internet and infrastructure; I would hesitate having my bio/ DNA information online for hackers and terrorists.

Once your identity with the DNA is online; it will be extremely hard to do a reset button on your identity because things like an id number such as a US Social Security number, etc. can be changed; but DNA identity is not that achievable even with CRISPR.

The official Yili Daily reported that from the first of June, residents of the Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture in China’s far northwest must present the police with DNA samples, fingerprints, voice prints and a “three-dimensional image” when applying for travel documents.

Members of the majorly Muslim Uighur community in Xinjiang complain of discrimination, especially facing denials of passport applications including limits placed on their culture and religion.

Based on the paper, the new policy that came into effect before the commencement of the holy month of Ramadan which started on Monday, refers to applications for and renewals of passports, entry permits to Taiwan and two-way permits to Hong Kong and Macau.

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Agree. So as a tech engineer, futurist, innovator, leader you have 3 key tracks to remain relevant in the future: bio/ living technology, quantum, and a hybrid of living/ bio meets quantum computing.

Editor €™s Note: Richard van Hooijdonk is a futurist and international keynote speaker on future technologies and disruption and how these technologies change our everyday lives. Van Hooijdonk and his international team research €˜mega trends €™ on digital health, robotic surgery, drones, the internet-of-things, 3D/4D printing, Big Data and other how new technologies affects many industries.

With people living increasingly longer lives, medical care from surgeons, physicians, pharmacists and dentists will increase as well. And since the future of healthcare will look very different from what it is today, the medical field may just be the right industry for you, even if being a doctor or nurse is not your calling. Many new technologies will be incorporated into the healthcare industry and we will see things like robotic surgeries and 3D-printed organ implants, to name a few. This means we will be seeing a whole new host of career opportunities, even for jobs that don €™t actually exist yet.

1. Healthcare Navigator €“ Guides patients through the complex medical system of the future

Being sick can be extremely stressful €“ to yourself, the doctors and nursing staff. But your family and loved ones also have a lot to deal with when you are ill. Technology will make healthcare more and more complex to navigate in the future. We €™ll be introduced to bio-printers, electronic pills, 3D-printed medication, surgical robots and DNA manipulation. To make sense of all these new technologies and treatments, and guide the patient as well as family members, healthcare navigators will become indispensible.

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The things you learn on the DarkWeb. Wonder what will happen when more and more countries and folks onboard to the Quantum Internet, etc. Could we see one last massive apocalyptic raid on accounts, etc.?

X5 simplifies the process of stealing details from contactless debit cards, cloning fake debit cards.

A criminal group going under the name of The CC Buddies is selling a hi-tech device on the Dark Web that’s capable of copying details from contactless debit cards if held as close as eight centimeters away from a victim’s card.

CC Buddies claim that their device, named Contactless Infusion X5, can copy up to 15 bank cards per second, something that may come in hand if a crook is going through a crowd at a concert or through a crowded subway cart.

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Could there be a sweet revenge iin store for a particular large tech co. n the end?

HELSINKI: Nokia has signed a USD 1.53 billion frame agreement with China Mobile to create a “cloud network” for the Chinese operator, the Finnish telecom equipment giant said today.

The deal would entail “seamless connectivity that will more efficiently meet the ever-growing data demands of its subscriber base,” Nokia said in a statement.

Nokia is to deliver a new type of base station which allows the use of multiple radio technologies simultaneously and is scalable to support all connection speeds from the oldest to the upcoming, ultra-fast 5G networks and connected objects.

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Wow and just in time for China’s Quantum Satellite launch next month.

News about this “extreme” decision has drawn ire from many Singaporeans who have criticised the government’s decision on social media.

But, in a surprise move, the Singaporean government has resorted to limiting the Internet access for government work stations for over a year for security reasons. The system of “No internet” for public servants should be more clear-cut, experts say.

He added: “As public servants, we have a duty and responsibility to protect the Government and citizens’ information and data”.

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The next version of the Bluetooth standard is called Bluetooth 5, and will be formally announced next week, Bluetooth Special Interest Group executive director Mark Powell has revealed. Bluetooth 5 is expected to be a significant upgrade over the current version of the wireless standard, offering double the range and four times the speed of current low-energy Bluetooth transmissions, but the Bluetooth SIG says it will also offer much more support for connectionless services — things like beacons that can help people navigate inside buildings or out in the open.

The roadmap for the next version of Bluetooth was sketched out last year, but the SIG — which has tech giants like Apple, Intel, and Microsoft as backers — will officially lift the lid on Bluetooth 5 on June 16th in London. The group explains that it chose the name to simplify its marketing and make the wireless standard easier to understand for users. That change should be beneficial as our homes get smarter and more connected, with many Internet-of-Things devices relying on Bluetooth to connect to your control devices, and each other.

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Exponential Finance celebrates the incredible opportunity at the intersection of technology and finance. Watch live as hundreds of the world’s leading investors, entrepreneurs and innovators gather in New York to define the future of the way we do business.

In Bitcoin’s early years computer scientists and early adopters were running the show. Now, a new community of academics, entrepreneurs, and economists, are working with cryptocurrencies and blockchain to bring the technology to a new set of diverse applications.

From building peer-to-peer networks for secure data computation and storage to decentralized content management systems that give patients access to health-care records across hospital databases, blockchain and digital currencies are starting to rewrite the rules of the 21st century transaction.

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