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The team’s article in Nature Photonics says the demonstration ‘constitutes a milestone towards a global quantum internet,’ as it is one of the longest distances over which quantum teleportation has been achieved using a fibre-optic network in this way.

In a “major step” toward practical quantum networking, researchers at the University of Calgary have successfully demonstrated the teleportation of a light particle’s properties between their lab and the city’s downtown area, six kilometres away.

“What is remarkable about this is that this information transfer happens in what we call a disembodied manner,” said physics professor Wolfgang Tittel, whose team’s work was published this week in the journal Nature Photonics.

“Our transfer happens without any need for an object to move between these two particles.”

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Alarms are being raised over the recent advancements in a new DARPA-funded technology known as “electroceuticals,” with the possibility that dark forces could be unleashed in a world where millions have hundreds of tiny neural dust sensors gathering and transmitting the most personal of information into external computer networks. The fears being that non-state actors, hostile nations, and could hack into the most secure and sensitive databases, gaining access to in-body telemetry from a head of state or sending nefarious commands directly into their brain unleashing havoc.

Engineers at UC Berkeley have cracked the millimetre barrier producing the first dust-sized wireless sensor small enough to implant into the body and be parked next to a muscle, nerve or organ. These motes are sprinkled thoughout the body, bringing closer the day when a Fitbit-like device could monitor internal nerves, muscles or organs in real time. The neural dust sensor is born from a DARPA funded weapons program. (DARPA is also the organization responsible for creating the Internet).

We already have zero ability to keep foreign actors, hostile groups, not to mention cybercriminals, from hacking into the most secure and sensitive databases. If they gained access to in-body telemetry from a head of state or sent nefarious commands directly into their brain, what havoc they could wreak.

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Is everyone ready for a new teleporting net?

Physicists have set a new bar for quantum teleportation: moving information from one place to another without physically sending anything between the locations.

Two separate teams managed to teleport information across several kilometres of optical fibre network in two cities.

This form of teleportation differs from that depicted in Star Trek: it involves transferring quantum states of a light particle, not Starfleet officers.

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MyData 2016 was an international conference that focused on human centric personal information management, held in Helsinki Finland from 31st August-2nd September 2016. It was organized by the Open Knowledge Finland, Aalto University Finland and FING — Next-Generation Internet Foundation (FING).

The conference featured international speakers and hands-on sessions — this channel exclusively showcases most of the activities & key talks from the three days.

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Wireless security and internet standards experts release a complete quantum resistant toolkit for commercial use.

TORONTO, Sept. 19, 2016 /CNW/ — 4TH ETSI/IQC Workshop on Quantum-Safe Cryptography – ISARA Corporation today announced the availability of its ISARA Quantum Resistant (IQR) Toolkit. The toolkit helps software and hardware solution providers build robust commercial products that protect vulnerable infrastructure against the threat quantum computing already poses to widely-used security standards.

Similar to the Y2K crisis, the technology industry is facing a ‘Y2Q’ (years to quantum) challenge that has a limited timeline and requires significant work to ensure systems and information are properly protected. The massive processing power of quantum computers is such that, without integrating quantum resistant security solutions, all security that depends on existing standards is vulnerable.

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I remember when this was announced last year; however, I am glad to see the topic highlighted again especially after China’s launch of their Quantum Satellite.

Quantum teleportation is the mystical, far-off in the future idea where quantum information encoded into particles of light can be transferred from one place to another remotely. Except it’s not far-off in the future — it just happened. Teleportation is real and it is here.

The teleportation occurred over several kilometres of optical fibre networks in the cities of Hefei in China and Calgary in Canada.

The two independent studies show that quantum teleportation across metropolitan networks is technologically feasible, and pave the way towards future city-scale quantum technologies and communications networks, such as a quantum internet.

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