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Data infrastructure technology solutions from the Santa Clara, California-based company Marvell have already become an industry benchmark. Now the company has expanded its 5nm data infrastructure portfolio with a line of high-performance Prestera carrier switches and its OCTEON 10 data processing units (DPUs).

Marvell’s Prestera switches combine high-bandwidth, high-availability, and resilient switching systems with speed and high-precision synchronization benefits. In particular, the Prestera family’s optimization capability helps network operators scale with their 5G infrastructure needs. The new DX 7,321 Ethernet switch is another significant addition to the Prestera line.

Traditional networks are unable to keep up with the demands of modern computing, such as cutting-edge computation and bandwidth-demanding services like video analytics and cybersecurity. In recent years, there has been a major shift in the focus of network research towards software-defined networks (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV), two concepts that could overcome the limitations of traditional networking. SDN is an approach to network architecture that allows the network to be controlled using software applications, whereas NFV seeks to move functions like firewalls and encryption to virtual servers. SDN and NFV can help enterprises perform more efficiently and reduce costs. Needless to say, a combination of the two would be far more powerful than either one alone.

In a recent study published in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, researchers from Korea now propose such a combined SDN/NFV network architecture that seeks to introduce additional computational functions to existing network functions. “We expect our SDN/NFV-based infrastructure to be considered for the future 6G network. Once 6G is commercialized, the resource management technique of the network and computing core can be applied to AR/VR or holographic services,” says Prof. Jeongho Kwak of Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST), Korea, who was an integral part of the study.

The new network architecture aims to create a holistic framework that can fine-tune processing resources that use different (heterogeneous) processors for different tasks and optimize networking. The unified framework will support dynamic service chaining, which allows a single network connection to be used for many connected services like firewalls and intrusion protection; and code offloading, which involves shifting intensive computational tasks to a resource-rich remote server.

Stimulating STEM Innovation & Securing U.S. High-Tech Economy — Kimberly A. Reed, Fmr President and Chairman Export-Import Bank of the United States.

Kimberly A. Reed just finished up a 2-year term as President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM — She was the first woman to lead EXIM in the agency’s 87-year history, was the first recipient of EXIM’s highest honor, the Franklin D. Roosevelt Award, and was confirmed by the U.S. Senate in 2019 on a strong bi-partisan basis.

EXIM provides loans, guarantees, and export credit insurance for the export of U.S. goods and services from enterprises ranging from Fortune 100 companies to small businesses in a multitude of sectors including infrastructure, power, agriculture, transportation/aviation, health care, commodities, industrial, and technology.

Ms. Reed was recognized for successfully navigating Congress to re-open EXIM after four years of dormancy and transforming the mission and impact of the 515-person independent federal agency.

Ms. Reed also spearheaded EXIM’s historic, longest-ever Congressional re-authorization of seven years and a significant new mandate, the Program on China and Transformational Exports, which focuses on industries including biomedical sciences, biotechnology, wireless communication (5G), renewable energy, financial technologies, artificial intelligence, and the space industry.

Prior to EXIM, Ms. Reed spent her career working at senior levels in both the public and private sectors.

Ms. Reed served as President of the International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation where she worked with multi-national food, agriculture, and nutrition companies to understand consumer insights, communicate the science, and increase U.S. sales and exports.

At the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Ms. Reed headed the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, where she oversaw the award of $4 billion in tax credits, loans, and grants to financial institutions and economic development groups investing in distressed communities across the nation.

Cloudflare, The internet infrastructure company, already has its fingers in a lot of customer security pots, from DDoS protection to browser isolation to a mobile VPN. Now the company is taking on a classic web foe: email.

On Monday, Cloudflare is announcing a pair of email safety and security offerings that it views as a first step toward catching more targeted phishing attacks, reducing the effectiveness of address spoofing, and mitigating the fallout if a user does click a malicious link. The features, which the company will offer for free, are mainly geared toward small business and corporate customers. And they’re made for use on top of any email hosting a customer already has, whether it’s provided by Google’s Gmail, Microsoft 365 Yahoo, or even relics like AOL.

Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince says that from its founding in 2,009 the company very intentionally avoided going anywhere near the thorny problem of email. But he adds that email security issues are unrelenting, so it has become necessary. “I think what I had assumed is that hosting providers like Google and Microsoft and Yahoo were going to solve this issue, so we weren’t sure there was anything for us to do in the space,” Prince says. “But what’s become clear over the course of the last two years is that email security is still not a solved issue.”

New chip eliminates the need for specific decoding hardware, could boost efficiency of gaming systems, 5G networks, the internet of things, and more.

A new silicon chip can decode any error-correcting code through the use of a novel algorithm known as Guessing Random Additive Noise Decoding (GRAND). The work was led by Muriel Médard, an engineering professor in the MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics.

Alphabet’s floating internet venture Project Loon may have been deflated, but its legacy looks set to live on through a new effort called Project Taara. The team has salvaged the technology to deliver internet connectivity with lasers, demonstrating the viability in a new test between two cities separated by the Congo River.

Originally a Google side hustle before being spun off into its own project by parent company Alphabet, Project Loon had lofty goals of connecting remote regions to the internet by beaming lasers between high-altitude balloons. After years of successful trials however, the project was eventually grounded in January 2021 due to sky-high costs.

The balloons may have been a bust, but there’s still life in the lasers. After all, wireless optical communication systems could help connect communities where it’s not feasible to build complex grids of underground optical fiber cables, and where cellular or satellite internet is patchy or expensive.

Internet on Mars!!

Elon Musk’s ‘Starlink’ is currently providing services in parts of the US and Canada and has plans to enter India by the end of 2021. Tech mogul Elon Musk, via his recent tweet, revealed that his satellite broadband company ‘Starlink’ will extend its services to Mars. Musk informed about this idea while replying to a user’s tweet last week, as per reports by The Science Times. Currently, the broadband internet provider is undergoing public beta testing in parts of the US and Canada.

Starlink will strengthen Starship’s communication Musk’s idea came to light when a user asked if Starlink will be deployed between Earth and Mars to strengthen communication for Starship is SpaceX’s ambitious project that is being touted as the vehicle that will ferry cargo and crew to the red planet and back in the coming years. In response to the user’s tweet, Musk amplified the excitement with one word, “yeah”.
