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This video is the first in a two-part series discussing 5G. In this video, we’ll be discussing the many many aspects of current generation mobile networks that 5G is set to improve.

As well as the technologies and communication techniques that will be required to enable these upgrades in speed, latency, bandwidth, energy consumption and more!

[0:35–8:15] First we’ll take a look at the core technologies that 5G is composed of, how they work together and the benefits they will each bring.

[8:15–11:50] Following that, we’ll look at the upgrades 5G will bring to current mobile generation speeds, latency, bandwidth and energy consumption.

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This video is the second in a two-part series discussing 5G. In this video, we’ll be discussing the transition from fourth to fifth generation mobile networks along with the timeline for deployment of 5G infrastructure we can expect to see.

[0:35–5:15] First we’ll take a look at how 4G networks have been evolving and their future trajectory, as well as the organizations in charge of setting the standards for a mobile generation.

[5:15–9:55] Following that, we’ll look at how 4G networks will ease the transition to 5G, unlimited data plans and some of the use cases opened up by 4.5G/5G.

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We write often here about the security vulnerabilities of Android devices that are due, at least in part, to how much of a delay there can be in the latest software updates making the rounds. Which can leave some handsets dangerously vulnerable if the device manufacturer is slow on the uptake.

Which means we’re constantly writing posts like this one: Researchers from Nightwatch Cybersecurity this week put out an advisory about an Android vulnerability that purportedly exposes information about a user’s device to all applications running on the device. There’s a fix for it, but not if you’re running a too-old version of Android.

According to the advisory, the information includes “the Wi-Fi network name, BSSID, local IP addresses, DNS server information and the MAC address. Some of this information (MAC address) is no longer available via APIs on Android 6 and higher, and extra permissions are normally required to access the rest of this information. However, by listening to these broadcasts, any application on the device can capture this information thus bypassing any permission checks and existing mitigations.”

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Satellite Constellations to Bring Global Internet Coverage (SpaceX, OneWeb, Boeing,…):

In this video, we’ll be discussing global internet connectivity initiatives based in space, more specifically – low and mid-Earth orbit through the use of satellite constellations.

[0:35–2:30] Starting off we’ll discuss how these satellites will communicate with the ground and the internet providing satellites from Iridium and ViaSat, that act as a proof of concept and validate satellites as a means for internet connectivity.

[2:30–5:50] Following that we’ll take a look at, current satellite constellations in development from SpaceX, OneWeb, Boeing, and others.

[5:50–07:40] To conclude we’ll discuss, the manufacturing and economics of these satellite constellations.

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Citi has produced another of its Disruptive Innovations publications, which takes a look at what it considers to be the top ten disruptive technologies. It is a sign of the changing times that anti-aging medicines are number 2 in its list.

1. All-Solid-State Batteries 2. Anti-Aging Medicines 3. Autonomous Vehicle Networks 4. Big Data & Healthcare 5. Dynamic Spectrum Access 6. eSports 7. 5G Technology 8. Floating Offshore Wind Farms 9. Real Estate Market Disruptors 10. Smart Voice-Activated Assistants.

What was considered fringe science a decade ago is now rapidly becoming a mainstream industry. Our understanding of aging has advanced quickly in the last 10 years, and the tools and innovations seem to come more quickly with each passing year. A variety of therapies that target different aging processes are in development, and some are at fairly advanced stages; if you are interested in their progress, check out the Rejuvenation Roadmap.

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This video is the second in a three-part series discussing global internet connectivity. In this video, we’ll be discussing the Earth-based, more specifically, stratosphere based initiatives to bring internet connectivity to the entire planet.

[0:30–5:30] Starting off we’ll take a look at Google’s bid to bring internet connectivity to the planet, dubbed, Project Loon. As well as, the importance of a hyper-connected society, for example, aiding in disaster relief efforts.

[5:30–9:30] Following that we’ll take a look at Facebooks initiative titled, Project Aquila. As well as, discuss the benefits of each initiative in bringing connectivity to the planet.

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This video is the first in a three-part series discussing global internet connectivity. In this video, we’ll be discussing the evolution of the world wide web, how it correlates with global connectivity and why global connectivity is needed to ensure a more prosperous future for all, as well as to assure in many of the new technologies in development today.

[0:30–6:15] Starting off we’ll take a look at the evolution of the web, from the birth of the web to the future of the web with web 4.0.

[6:15–10:05] Following that, we’ll take a look at the impact the web has had on society: economically, socially and more. As well as, why global connectivity will be required in ensuring everyone can access the benefits of the web.

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How 5G Will Change The World!

In this video, we’ll be discussing 5G – more specifically, what it is and its ability to change our world!

5G is a core technology in establishing the digital infrastructure of the future and will be essential in how all of the over 50 billion mobile and connected devices by 2020 will communicate together!

[0:25–2:55] First we’ll take a quick look at the history of mobile networks, and how they have evolved over the years to present day.

[2:55–14:20] Following that, we’ll focus on the technologies a 5G network is composed of and the improvements in speed, latency, bandwidth and energy consumption they will bring.

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