More than 400 people dressed as Albert Einstein gather in downtown Toronto to set a new world record for “largest gathering of Albert Einstein lookalikes.”
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More than 400 people dressed as Albert Einstein gather in downtown Toronto to set a new world record for “largest gathering of Albert Einstein lookalikes.”
A future bar fad?
Science has pulled through with the goods once again. Nope, no word yet on an unlimited clean energy source or a phone battery that lasts more than a day. But hold tight, they have created an indoor cloud that produces raindrops of real tequila.
The tequila cloud is part of an installation at Urban Spree art gallery in Berlin, created by the ad agency LAPIZ on behalf of the Mexico Tourism Board. The idea is that the weather sucks in Germany during March, so why not head over to Mexico for a holiday? Sounds good to us.
It works by using specialized humidifiers to vibrate tequila at an ultrasonic frequency that turns it into a thick visible fog. The mist is then able to condense into water and fall as rain drops. They even let guests drink the tequila rain for free.
In this video series the Galactic Public Archives takes bite sized looks at a variety of terms, technologies, and ideas that are likely to be prominent in the future.
In this entry, we take a look at the rapidly developing technology of Brain to Machine interfaces.
Interesting links for more information:
STATE OF (UN)READINESS The new report offers insights on how Gens X, Y and Z believe the workplace should function and the technologies poised to transform it.
Middle East, Asia, Europe 28 February 2017.
INSEAD Emerging Markets Institute, Universum, The HEAD Foundation and MIT Leadership Centre today announced the release of the second eBook, State of (un)readiness, which sets out to investigate a series of ideas from a bottom-up survey of students and professionals from Generations X, Y, and Z – not from the employer’s perspective.
Facebook is developing at least four new consumer products that could be revealed at an April event, according to a new report.
The social network last year launched a futuristic hardware division called Building 8, which is said to be similar to Google X, the experimental lab behind the search company’s self-driving cars.
One of the prototypes created by Building 8 is a “brain computer interface” that sounds a lot like a platform once hinted at by Mark Zuckerberg, which would allow users to share information telepathically.
China has signaled that its future lies with reusable rockets to reduce cost and pollution; although they won’t be copying SpaceX’s landing techniques.
SpaceX were the early pioneers of reusable rocket technology, successfully landing first stage boosters after delivering cargo into orbit, but it looks as though China are keen to follow suit with their own rockets after recognizing benefits of reusability.