IRON MAN SUIT: The 800 horsepower outfit can reach 30 mph.
Make your voice heard. Share the new trailer for Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power. In theatres August 24th. #BeInconvenient
“The Japanese government believes robots and humans can live happily side by side. Our correspondent steps into the shoes of an “immigrant from the future””
The recent efforts to remove Net Neutrality have given many a sense of impending doom we are soon to face. What happens to an Internet without Net Neutrality? Advocates have a vision of the possible results — and it is quite the nightmare! In this segment of Future A to Z, The Galactic Public Archives takes a cheeky, yet compelling perspective on the issue.
Posted in economics, futurism | Leave a Comment on I’ve just returned from some busy travels and I’m still dealing with my own father’s recent death, so I’m a bit late with this post, but legendary futurist Jacque Fresco passed away last week
He was 101 years old. I had the honor to meet Jacque and Roxanne Meadows last year at The Venus Project in Florida. I wrote an extensive article for Vice Motherboard on Jacque and the Resource-based economy: And Now This Future did a video on my visit with him that now has 14 million views and over 180,000 Facebook shares: I’m grateful I met Jacque. He was an amazing person! And his important work will live on.