Ice shelves perform a vital function in slowing down the rate of glacier melt in Antarctica, so scientists keep an eye on them for signs of collapse. And as the continent’s largest, the Ross Ice Shelf is particularly important. After monitoring seismic activity over a few years, researchers noticed that the Ross Ice Shelf is “singing” – and listening out for changes in that song could be an early warning system for potential problems.
Category: futurism
The behemoths’ annual conferences, held to announce new tools, features, and acquisitions, always “send shock waves of fear through entrepreneurs”, says Mike Driscoll, a partner at Data Collective, an investment firm. “Venture capitalists attend to see which of their companies are going to get killed next.” But anxiety about the tech giants on the part of startups and their investors goes much deeper than such events. Venture capitalists, such as Albert Wenger of Union Square Ventures, who was an early investor in Twitter, now talk of a “kill-zone” around the giants. Once a young firm enters, it can be extremely difficult to survive. Tech giants try to squash startups by copying them, or they pay to scoop them up early to eliminate a threat.
Big, rich and paranoid, they have reams of data to help them spot and buy young firms that might challenge them.
PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — Developers testing an earthquake early warning system for the West Coast say its automated alerts are ready to be used more broadly, but not for mass public notification.
U.S. Geological Survey official Doug Given told reporters Wednesday at California Institute of Technology that the ShakeAlert system has transitioned from a production prototype to operational mode.
The system built for California, Oregon and Washington detects an earthquake is occurring and send out alerts that may give warnings of few seconds to perhaps a minute before shaking arrives at locations away from the epicenter.
Blue Origin believes in a future where millions of people are living and working in space. Why? Because we believe that in order to preserve Earth, our home, for our grandchildren’s grandchildren, we must go to space to tap its unlimited resources and energy. If we can lower the cost of access to space with reusable launch vehicles, we can enable this dynamic future for humanity.
It’s a hopeful vision.
Blue Origin is committed to building a road to space so our children can build a future.
Exciting visitor at the Real Bodies ( exhibit!
The lovely Ms. Chiara Bordi (, Miss Italia 3rd place runner up (aka the “Bionic Beauty”) stopping by to visit our associates at HealthQE (, and QantiQa (, to test out their new Musyke device
Bio-mechanics and Bio-acoustics
Two critical components in the regeneration, repair, and rejuvenation equation, and part of the integrated age-reversal paradigm of Embrykinesis at Bioquark Inc.- (
Scientists from Russia, China and the United States predicted and have now experimentally identified new uranium hydrides, predicting superconductivity for some of them. The results of their study were published in Science Advances.