A coral coalition.
While greywater use was legalized in 2013, access to it is limited across the state because only Denver, Castle Rock and Pitkin County have adopted a code to regulate systems.
Half the globeâs population could face severe water stress by 2050. For some countries, it could be as early as 2030. Cities like Chennai, India, are experiencing these consequences right now. #YEARSproject
The worldâs most important crop is, and if we donât stop it, nearly half the world could be left hungry. #YEARSproject
The worldâs most important crop is heading towards collapse, and if we donât stop it, nearly half the world could be left hungry. #YEARSproject
Dr. Shapiroâs technique for dealing with trauma was initially met with some skepticism. But it has attracted devotees worldwide.
Palm oil is in almost everything, and itâs responsible for huge amounts of deforestation across the globe. These guys have found a way to replace it, using nothing more than a cup of coffee. #YEARSproject