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This post is adapted from a paper presented at a workshop organised by the Open University’s PRiME (posthuman resilience in major emergencies) research group held in London, 18th-19th October 2016.


Resilience – understood as the capacity to recover from perturbations and resume “normal functioning” – appears seems to be a generic rather than domain specific property. It has a general application to complex systems at all scales and levels of complexity, and applies across the notional and contested divide between the natural and the artificial. It thus seems consonant with a “flat” posthuman world in which humans – rather than having privileged status – are just a distinctive being amongst other – similarly distinctive – beings. [1].

CENTENNIAL, Colo. (KDVR) — Gov. Jared Polis issued a statewide stay-at-home order Wednesday afternoon. It goes into effect 6 a.m. Thursday and will last until April 11.

Many Coloradans, including the vast majority of people in metro Denver, live in counties where stay-at-home orders have already been announced.

Polis said he is issuing the order to save Coloradans’ lives.

A new automated machine can synthesize a range of small organic molecules with the push of a button. The synthesizer uses a chemical method that pieces together molecules from modular building blocks. With this technique, the machine synthesized 14 classes of molecules, including some complicated ones with multiple rings.